•Chapter 3•

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"Can you go to your boss? I need to talk to him, get him for me please," the blond woman on the way too high heels says to me. What was her name again? Anna.

I quickly nod and run to the room with all the buyers. The buyers are already here. The 'show' is about to start in 15 minutes and everyone is stressing out right now. I didn't even get to change to look for Ella. I hope she's doing fine.

I walk through all the people in here. The buyers are so.. young? They are my age I think. Maybe a few years older but not much. Why are they so young? Are they rich like Eric is?

Eric. Right. I'm here to find Eric. I have to be back in time to get on stage. I look around desperately. I look at the direction where Eric went and see him between all the other bosses. They are sitting higher than the buyers but lower than the stage is. I have to get there.

I have to push myself between all the people here. I put my hands over my Instax mini while pushing myself through them. The camera is hanging around my neck. I wanted to take one last picture of Ella because maybe I won't see her again.

I suddenly fall onto the ground when someone bumps into me. The person doesn't stop but just walks away, leaving me on the floor. I put my hand on my head. My head hurts. Probably stress. I look up because I want to get up but I stop myself when I see a boy a little further.

It's a boy with mint green hair. His skin is very pale, he's wearing glasses and he has some earrings. I quickly get up and try walking a little bit closer to them. He's sitting next to another boy. The boy next to him has brown hair and looks really good too but the boy with the mint green hair looks so beautiful.

Should I? Just one..

I put my hands around my camera. It would be my first picture. I wanted my first picture to be something very beautiful. Ella is beautiful too but this guy is also beautiful.

I bring my camera up and look through the little hole. I search the boy and I'm amazed when I find him through the little hole. He really looks so beautiful. He's looking cute but he also has something of a bad boy. The clothes just don't match.

The boy moves and brings his hand to his glasses to push them upwards. I don't even think the glasses are real but they are cute on him. I wait one more second and then I push the button.

 I wait one more second and then I push the button

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I could hit myself when the flash goes on. That thing has a flash?! I shouldn't have used that thing for the first time to take a picture of a boy that I don't even know.

I look up and see the boy next to him point that me. I feel the stress all over my body and feel the blood streaming to my face. I decide to run when I see him getting up.

Running here isn't really an option though because of all the people in here. I can't get away fast enough and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I bite my lip and turn around to meet the mint green-haired boy right in front of me.

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