•Chapter 29•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

I decided to not apologize to Jimin. At least not yet. I'm sure he doesn't want to see me right now so I just let him be.

I will apologize tonight. I want him to have time alone. So I give him time now to get over it. I mean, of course, one day won't be enough but I just want him to cool down before I go to say sorry.

Tonight I will apologize and after today, I want him to have a normal life. I will give him one. I'm going to let him go to school.

I'll give him the freedom he needs. I'll give him a phone, I'll allow him to go out with friends and to enjoy life. He's still so young. He should enjoy life right now.

I'll be the perfect parent. I won't be able to ever find his parents again. I don't know where he came from and I'm also not ready to just give him away again.

I mean I did spend a lot of money to get him so I don't want him to go away from me. I just want to be his friend.

I want him to live his life as he wants.

I'll tell him all that tomorrow though. It's too much to take in today. I'll just tell him I'm sorry tonight and I hope he will accept it.

Tomorrow I'll go to a school with him. I'll tell him everything and I'll give him his normal life.

This is what I really want for him. I want him to be truly happy.

Taehyung is going to hate me but that doesn't matter because Jimin is my property so I can choose what I want to do with him.

I know this is the best thing I can do.

I smile and look at my computer screen again. Let's find the best school for him.

Jimin's P.O.V.:

I heard Jungkook running to his room. It wasn't long after that I went upstairs.

After a little while, I heard him crying. My heart was literally breaking.

I mean I am in pain and I have a hard time but hearing that someone else is hurting hurts me more than anything else.

Jungkook is always here for me and I love him even though I just know him. It feels like I have known him for years.

So when I heard him crying, I couldn't do anything else than leave my room and go to him.

I just had to know what was wrong and I had to be there for him. He's always here for me too so I had to be there for him too.

So after he explained to me what happened, I felt bad. Now he's in a fight with Taehyung only because he defended me.

I can't imagine a better friend than him. Of course, Ella was amazing. I miss her. I don't see her that much anymore and I think that's the saddest thing. Maybe that's why I'm so happy that I have Jungkook.

I'm lucky to have another person in the house who was also sold and stuff. His story is different from mine though. He didn't have a family so he doesn't really mind to be here.

I was taken away and I want my real family back. At least a normal life. I want to go to school, just to get smarter. Eric taught us a lot so we wouldn't be too dumb but I just wish I could be in a real school for once.

High school sounds like heaven. I'm not even kidding. Just being somewhere where you can learn things and a place where you are surrounded by people of your age. All the people who could be friends with you.

I look at Jungkook who's calmed down by now. His eyes are still red and swollen though just like mine.

I know that Jungkook always says that he is happy with his life here with Taehyung but his life isn't normal. It isn't how it should be.

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