•Chapter 4•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

I quickly turn around and start running backstage. Anna is going to be mad if I'm too late. You aren't even allowed to go to the room with the buyers but I just had to go. For Ella. I quickly run to the others and I sigh relieved when I see that the boys are still there.

The girl who did my makeup starts talking. "It's your time! Follow that girl over there!" she says and she points to a girl with red hair. Everyone follows her and I do the same thing.

We all have to stand in a row and I'm the last one, just like Ella was.

"Out of my way, please! I'm the first one," a voice says from behind me. I look up to see that Benjamin guy who was smirking at me earlier.

"Are you the last one?" he asks me when he sees me looking at him. I nod slightly. "Yes," I whisper and he nods. He starts smirking again. I don't like him.

"Good luck," he says but it sounds sarcastic. "You too," I whisper but I'm not sure if he heard me because he was already walking away to the front of the row.

I decide to just ignore all the rest of the guys and to focus on my breathing because I'm really really nervous.

Ella's P.O.V.:

I see how my buyer gives the money to Eric. It's a lot of money. 16 million. Why would this guy give so much money?

Why does he have so much money? I don't even think he's much older than me. Maximum 5 years older. I'm nineteen and I don't think he's older than 30.

Eric smiles at me slightly and then leaves me with my buyer.

"Let's take a seat somewhere," he says and he takes my head to lead me to an empty table for two.

"It's nice to meet you, Ella, I'm Jung Hoseok but my friends call me J-hope so you can call me that too" he starts talking and I nod friendly. I want to be friends with my new boss. If I have respect for him, he will have respect for me too.

There is silence but it isn't that bad because Anna is talking so we're just listening to her. After Anna talked, I decide to talk again.

"Hose- I mean J-hope. Do you have other girls or boys already?" I ask and I feel kind of nervous. I honestly hope I'm his first one because I wouldn't like it to be the second, third or even more. I would feel less than the others he already has.

He shakes his head and I sigh relieved. "No, I had someone before though. You're not my first one" he says and I hold my breath.

I'm not his first but that person isn't with him anymore? What happened? Did she or he run away? Is J-hope that bad?

I think he saw how shocked I was.

"Hey wow, don't worry! She isn't gone because I'm a terrible person" he says and he laughs. I can't help but laugh too.

"She fell in love with a good friend of mine and I let him buy her from me. She is in good hands now. She's happier with him than with me" he explains and I kind of feel bad for him. She kind of left him.

"Were you sad?"

"No, I didn't really have a connection with her anyway. I didn't choose her myself. My dad bought her for me and well.. she wasn't the type of girl I would choose" he explains again and I nod.

"Oh okay"

"I've been alone for a year now. I felt lonely so I decide to buy someone new" he continues.

"Why would you give so much money for me?" I ask. I'm just really curious.

"I saw you from the beginning and waited until all the other girls were sold. I wasn't planning on losing you to another buyer" he says and he starts laughing loudly. He laughs a lot and he laughs aloud.

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