•Chapter 11•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

I follow Taehyung into his room. I walk to the bed and let myself fall on it. I sigh loudly. I hear Taehyung closing the door before walking to the bed too. He doesn't take a seat but just stands there.

"Did you see that?" he asks and I give him a confused look after sitting up straight again. "Did I see what?" I ask while rolling my eyes. Can't he just talk normally? Can't he just say what he's talking about?

"What just happened?!" He says using his duh-tone on me. "Of course I saw what just happened!" I say and roll my eyes again because he's being stupid.

"You think it's normal? Jimin has been here for 2 days and he hugs a stranger but he doesn't touch you?" Taehyung says and he throws his arms in the air.

"Not only Jin though. Jungkook talked about Jimin last night and they are getting closer too! They are friends now and Jungkook even told me that Jimin hugs him back now" Taehyung says and I don't answer because I know there is coming more.

"Do you realize that YOU are the person he has to be close with? You have to have a bond with him" Taehyung says and I sigh.

"I don't know what to do! What can I do about this?" I ask a little frustrated now. "Spend time with him! You have to be his owner Suga! You have to be dominant and you have to control him but you also have to be the one who gives him the love he needs!" Taehyung answers and I can tell that he's getting frustrated too.

"You know more about this than I do," I say and I sigh again. I'm not a good owner, just like my dad said. He always knew I wouldn't be a good owner.

He's an owner too. The one he bought? My mother. He fell in love with her and she with him and after they married my dad decided to give her more freedom so they could be a normal couple but he still wanted me to be a good owner. He said love isn't important.

If I had any sexual need I just had to find myself a f*ckbuddy or use my property but I don't think I'll ever do that.

I had one-nightstands before I took Jimin to my house. Sometimes when I was lonely and Taehyung was f*cking the hell out of Jungkook. Rip Jungkook to be honest.

But yeah.. when I really felt lonely I went to a girl or boy who was okay with having a one-nightstand. I always made it clear it was only a one-night stand though.

"Teach me" I blur out suddenly. I immediately regret it a little bit but on the other side I don't.

"What?" Taehyung asks confused. "Teach me. Teach me how to be a good owner" I repeat and Taehyung starts grinning slightly.

It's scaring me a little bit.

"I'm going to make you an amazing owner!" he says and he grins. "BUT.." he says and I look at him.

"You have to do everything I say because it won't work if you don't," he says and I'm not sure if this is a good plan. He stretches his hand out to me.

I'm quiet for a few seconds. He did a good job with Jungkook though. This should work.

"Okay, deal," I say eventually and I shake Taehyung's hand. Taehyung grins at me with a proud look on his face.

Let's be an amazing owner.

————— A little time later—————

I walk downstairs with Taehyung to be met with an empty living room. The dining room and the living room are one big room in this house so I frown slightly until we hear noises coming out of the kitchen.

We both walk closer to the kitchen and we hear people talking and laughing loudly. I walk closer and see Jin having fun with Jungkook and Jimin. I'm standing in the doorway but they don't seem to notice me. They are cooking something I think.

Taehyung is standing next to me and hits my upper arm. I look at him and he nods with his head to Jimin, giving me a sign that I need to do it now.

Taehyung told me the first thing that I need to do to be a good owner. I smile at him and nod confidently at him. He gives me a little smile.

"Jimin," I say what causes the three of them to turn around. I see Jungkook getting a wide smile on his face when he sees Taehyung next to me. "Tae! We're making cupcakes!" He says with a big smile and he walks to Taehyung. He touches Taehyung's noise so now there is some sugar from the cupcakes on his noise.

Jungkook starts giggling and Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully. "Give me something to wipe it away, baby boy," Taehyung says but Jungkook shakes his head. You would think Taehyung would get mad but Jungkook does something that Taehyung probably likes more than something to wipe it off.

Jungkook leans closer to Taehyung and licks the sugar off of Taehyung noise. Taehyung hums and grabs Jungkook's hip, pulling him closer before pushing his lips against Jungkook's lips who gladly kisses him back.

I feel a weird feeling inside. Jealousy? Ew no, Taehyung isn't my type.. Jungkook can have him.
I look at Jin who looks at them with a big smile, probably fanboying inside.

I let my eyes go to Jimin who looks at the couple with big eyes and red cheeks.

They pull away again and Jungkook blushes while Taehyung grins and me a look gives. That reminds me of the fact that I was going to talk to Jimin.

"You needed me?" Jimin asks like a good boy. I look at Jin who is looking at us too. I give him a look and he starts talking. "I'll come back later," he says and he leaves the kitchen.

I look at Jimin who looks a little uncomfortable. "I just wanted to let you know that you'll spend some more time with me from now on. You became friends with Jungkook and Jin is no problem either so now I think we should spend some more time together. I'm your owner after all" I say and Jimin starts playing with his hands.

"Sure, if that's what you want.."

"Call me sir" I commend him. He looks up from his hands to my eyes and nods quickly when he sees I'm serious.

"Of course sir," He says and I nod slightly feeling good about this.

I'll be a good owner.

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