•Chapter 27•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

I look at Suga who's just drinking his glass until it's empty. We're playing this game. Never have I ever. If you have, you need to drunk your whole glass. If you haven't you can just not drink.

"Okay, okay! I know another one!" Taehyung says while laughing and he puts his hand in the air to get our attention. "I think our properties aren't drinking enough so I know that will make them drink for sure!"

We all look at him. Taehyung already drunk a lot but he isn't really drunk because I think he is used to this much alcohol.

Jungkook giggles a little bit more but honestly that's cute and Suga.. well he's more.. open and less serious.

Normally he's kind of grumpy but now he isn't. I'm still thinking clearly. I didn't drink a lot yet.

"Never have I ever thought that my owner was attractive," he says eventually and Jungkook groans softly. "It's not fair! I mean you know that I think you're attractive" Jungkook says but Taehyung nods my way.

"I'm curious about him," he says and Jungkook looks at me while bringing his glass to his mouth. I feel myself heating up immediately. I should drink because I really think that Suga is attractive but it's so awkward.

I look at Suga who is staring at me. I close my eyes and groans softly before taking my glass. I bring it to my mouth and start drinking at the same time as Jungkook. Taehyung start yelling. "Drink! drink! drink! drink!"

I look at Jungkook while drinking and see that he doesn't stop so I do the same until my glass is empty. It burns but I ignore it.

"I knew it! Damn Suga, he thinks you're attractive" Taehyung says and I feel so embarrassed that I start filling our glasses again.

I glance at Suga to see him glancing at me. This skin is as pale as always but his cheeks are a little bit more red than normal. I think he's cute when he blushes.

"I know another one!" Jungkook suddenly yells what causes Suga and me to look at him. Taehyung starts talking to him while putting at his arm. "Go ahead babe," he says and he pulls Jungkook on his lap.

He pulls at Jungkook's shirt, exposing his shoulder and start kissing the skin. I quickly look away because I feel awkward when I look at that. My eyes are crossing Suga's and he gives me a knowing look.

I giggle softly and look at Jungkook again. "Never had I ever a wet dream about someone in this room," Jungkook says and he wiggles his eyebrows. He takes his glass from the table and he also takes Taehyung's glass in the process.

He gives it to Taehyung and smiles. "We can drink together on this one" Jungkook says and he has this sparkle in his eyes. I think it's adorable. He is so head over heels with Taehyung. It so cute.

They both start drinking and they stop when their glasses are empty. Jungkook spills a bit. Alcohol is dripping from his chin to his neck. Taehyung sees it too.

"How can I not get a wet dream of this kid? I mean look at-" he doesn't finish his sentence because he's too busy licking up the liquid that was dripping in Jungkook's shirt.

I immediately feel my cheeks getting warm again and look away. Those two are giving me this weird feeling.

Jungkook moans softly but suddenly he stops. I look up to see him staring at Suga. Suga's drinking his glass until it's completely empty.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook's reaction and looks up too.

When did Suga have a wet dream? Was I already here? Maybe I didn't notice because I wake up earlier than him?

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