•Chapter 5•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

Here I am. Standing on stage, all alone. I'm the last one so yeah the others are already gone. "Let's start with a price of 10 million," Anna says and she looks around.

I noticed that boys are more expensive than girls are.

"I want!" I hear the first one yelling from somewhere in the room. I follow the sound and look at the guy who yelled it. It's a middle-aged guy. The buyers are scaring me. I don't want to live with a man like that.

"11 million!" it didn't take long before someone yelled that. I follow the sound again and see a man who seems to be a little younger.

"12 million!" we hear a third voice yelling. I follow the voice again and I see a man who isn't much older than me. He doesn't seem to be much older than me. He looks at me with a little grin on his face that really scares the hell out of me.

"We have a change of a million here! Someone who wants to give more?" Anna asks.

Please not this guy, please not this guy.

"12,5 million!" the second guy yells again. He's better than the third.

"13 million!" the third one yells again.

No no no no no no. I blink a few times when I feel my eyes burning a little bit. I don't want to cry here on stage. Why am I so weak?

"15 million." A new voice says loudly. I heard that voice before. I look up and search for the person who said that.

I know I already heard that voice before. My eyes are getting wider when I see the boy with the mint green hair again. I don't even know his name.

I don't know why but I kind of feel relieved. I mean, I'm not going home with tha-

"16 million!"

Never mind. I'm still going home with that creepy guy who grins like a pedophile. The little smile that was on my lips disappears again.

I look at the mint green-haired boy again. He is sitting next to his friend from before and I can see how he sighs.

I look at Anna who's also looking into the direction of the green-haired boy. A lot of people are looking at him. They probably expect him to give even more.

I startle when I see the green-haired boy getting up from where he's sitting down. His friend is looking at him with a frown on his face.

"17 million," he suddenly says and he looks up from the ground to look at Anna and then at me.

Suddenly a laugh is heard through the whole room. Everyone looks up to the person who is laughing like that. It's the creepy guy again.

"Let finish this now right? I'll make it end here," he says and he looks at me right in the eyes before he winks at me. I look at him with a confused face.

"19 million," he says eventually and he grins victoriously. That's a pretty high price. The highest price was 20 million so 19 is pretty high too.

Why does this guy have so much money? He's like 25?! How does he get so much money?

I sigh and look down at the ground. I'm dead.

"You think it's done now? 23 million," we hear a voice say again. I feel like my heart stopped beating and when I look up, my vision is blurry.

"That is the highest price we got today! Are you going to go higher Bret?" Anna asks and now I know the creepy man is called Bret.

"If you don't say anything in the next 5 seconds this buddy will go to Suga," Anna says and she puts her hand on my head. I kind of hate that but I'm not going to push her hand away.

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