•Chapter 25•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

"I just don't think I want him here anymore," I say to Jin who is looking at me while doing his work. I turned off Jimin's alarm because I didn't want him to get up this morning. Jin is doing everything to make the table ready for breakfast and Jungkook is standing in the kitchen.

Taehyung is still sleeping. Of course. "Why not?" Jin asks confused. "I just think he's..-" I start but Jin starts talking too. "Wasn't he sweet?"

"Well yeah he was bu-" I start again but Jin stops me again.

"Wasn't he polite?" He asks again. He is so calm. He is just talking while putting everything in place. He doesn't look at me all the time when he talks to me and his voice is still as calm as always.

"I-" I start again for the third time.

"He eats too much?"
"He doesn't look good?"
"Taehyung doesn't like him?"
"Taehyung is jealous?"
"Jungkook likes Kai too much?"
"Kai smells bad?"

Jin keeps talking and talking. Saying things that aren't correct at all and he doesn't let me respond to anything he just said. He just keeps talking.
"Jin, stop this!" I say suddenly. I talk louder to stop him and it helps. He stops talking and looks up to look at me.

He stops doing what he's doing for the first time since we're talking to each other.

"Kai is a friend of mine and he means a lot to me. I only work here but you people mean a lot to me too! I just wanted you guys to meet each other" he says and I nod in understanding.

"That's really sweet of you Jin and I appreciate that but I just don't think that people who are working for us are supposed to bring people with them. That's not how it works" I say.

I feel relieved. I finally said what I wanted to say and he can't say anything because I'm his boss.
"I won't bring him anymore," he says and he starts working again. I nod and smile weakly at him before sitting down at the table.

Just in time because Jimin and Taehyung are coming down. "Look who I found in the hallway! He bumped into me" Taehyung says when they are downstairs.

"I'm so sorry Taeyhung! I just don't get why my alarm didn't go off and I wanted to run to help Jungkook" Jimin says and he looks scared.

"So my Kookie did all the work alone this morning?!" Taehyung says a little mad. "Jin helped Jungkook and Jimin your alarm works, I just turned it off," I say eventually.

"Why would you do that?" Taehyung asks while Jimin runs into the kitchen to help Jungkook and Jin.

"I wanted to talk with Jin without having Jimin around," I say and Taehyung frowns. Jungkook and Jimin are coming back and they both take a seat after giving our coffee.

"When will Kai be here?" Jungkook asks and he looks at Jin who's coming out of the kitchen too. "He'll be here in a few minutes I think" Jin answers simply and I look up.

"Why is Kai coming?" I ask irritated. "He's taking us to the zoo," Jungkook says enthusiastically. "Who is 'us'?" I ask again. "Jimin and I"

"No way! Why don't I know about this?" I ask. I'm talking much louder than before. I'm mad now.

"Can't I go?" Jimin's soft voice says and I look at him. He looks at me with big innocent eyes. "But I can go! So why can't Jimin go?" Jungkook asks me.

I look at Taeyhung with an angry look but he just shrugs his shoulders. "Just go already. I don't want to see you today anyway" I say. I'm pissed off right now.

Why did Taehyung say yes? That idiot. I hear Jungkook who's happy that Jimin is coming with him and I look up to see Jimin who smiles at him weakly.

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