Finding Abnormal

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I could barely concentrate during my class, which wasn't a good thing. It was my first day and I couldn't afford to get distracted.

Still, Wolf held my attention the entire time.

Maybe it was curiosity.

Maybe it was something else, something that had no name.

Everything about him made out me in a trance. Everything from the way he dragged his fingers through his dark hair, to strong grip he had on his pen, to the way he lounged in his seat when focusing.

A few times Tok had to bounce me with his shoulder.

"Pay attention." Tok admonished. "I hear this professor is really hard on students. We can't fall behind."

"I won't."

Tok eyed me but thankfully, went back to focusing on the notes on the whiteboard and scribbling furiously in his notebook.

By the time the lecture was over, I was irritated with myself. I didn't move when the class was over. I remained seated as everyone quickly shoved their things into their backs and raced for the door. I wondered if they thought the professor would change his mind and keep us all back.

Tok pressed a palm to my forehead. "He seems to have a normal temperature. But what's normal?"

I frowned and lifted my forehead from his cheese covered hand. "I'm not sick. I think I'm jetlagged. Ugh, now I have powdered cheese on my face." I rubbed my forehead.

"It's good for the skin." Tok teased.


Tok only laughed and wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Did you fly from Thailand recently?" Ari asked.

I nodded and began packing my things.

By the time we exited the lecture hall, we were the last souls out. I didn't mind. I didn't like crowds and with the rush of students leaving, someone would have fallen over—


I'm someone.

Tok and Ari fell into conversation and I slipped into step with them. While they talked, I allowed my brain to wander back to Wolf.

"What are you doing after school?" Ari poked me

"Um...homework." Even as the words left my lips I felt like such a nerd. But what choice did I really have? Everything hinged on me passing and getting great grades. I couldn't let one day go by without doing assigned work and some reading on my own. "I don't want fall behind on readings."

"It's the first day!" Tok told me. "We're going to eat after dance practice. You're coming."

"Weren't you the one giving me a lecture about paying attention? I arched a brow.

"That was then—they have a saying here, all work and no play makes Mong a very dull boy." Tok smirked.

I sighed. Though I tried declining again, Tok wouldn't take no for an answer...neither would Ari.

I was curious to see them dance, so that went a long way to pushing me to actually agreeing. "Can I come and watch you guys dance?"

"You should join the group," Tok said.

I shook my head. "No thank you. I'm very aware of my limits. I should go. I can't be late for my next class."

"See you at the Atrium after." Ari told me.

"Where is that?" I asked

She thumbed over her shoulder. "Behind this building," Tok said while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "We'll wait for you."

I nodded and was off with a wave over my shoulder.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I had a short lunch then figured I'd run some errands before my last class until I could meet Ari and Tok. But I stopped at the school's bookstore to buy a textbook, misjudged the time and wound up late for my last class.

When I stepped through the door, the room was full, except for one seat. My heart raced as I noticed I'd have to climb through a row of seated students to reach it. And not only that, I would be sandwiched between a rather large student and—

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