Green Curry and Wolf

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With Ari off shopping, Tok stayed with me after dance so I could wait for Wolf to pick me up. We sat on a park bench under a large tree, talking and eating salted peanuts from a plastic bottle.

"What's he like?" Tok asked.



I paused to consider the question. What could I say?

Wolf had a way about him—he could be nice but there was something in his eyes that told me he could be the devil if pushed. He had nightmares at nights. Sometimes he's sweet, but I'd never seem him smile—genuinely smiled. His body was warm and hard. He smelled like fire and temptation.

I bit back a moan and crossed my legs to hide my arousal.

"He's nice. I guess." I managed.

"He's just so mysterious, you know?" Tok asked, handing me the bottle of peanuts. "And all the girls just stare at him, asking him for his LINE. He never gives it out."

"Okay, what's really going on?"

Tok shrugged. "I just want to know how he manages to get all the girls."

"I don't know." I mused before dumping some peanuts into my mouth. "Prae keeps sending me messages."

"That's good! It means she likes you."

"I'm not interested."

"How comes? She's pretty—right?"

"Looks aren't everything." I offered a shrugged while handing him back the bottle. "I just—I don't want to."

We both sighed. When Tok offered the bottle back, I declined. My stomach was not at all impressed with my diet that day and it was beginning to show its displeasure, demanding actual food.

Tok poked me with his elbow and nodded toward our left. Wolf and a friend walked toward us. For me, they moved in slow motion, but my eyes were only for Wolf. He dragged fingers through his dark hair in that way all the drama actors did.

"P..." Tok greeted them.

I stood but said nothing.

"Are you hungry?" Wolf asked me.

"Hey—no introductions?" The friend asked. "Dae-Khrap."

I offered him wai. "P, Mongkut-khrap. This is Tok."

With the introductions over, I turned my attention to Wolf.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

I was about to decline when my stomach growled, daring me to. I rubbed it and sighed. "Yes."

He tossed his keys to Dae. "You can give Tok a ride home. Mongkut and I are heading to find something to eat."

"Sure." Dae wrapped his arm around Tok's shoulder. "We'll see you later."

Tok looked at me with a quirked brow but I merely shrugged and watched the both of them heading toward the seniors' parking lot.

I turned to see Wolf was already walking away and I had to run to catch up to him. "P!" I called. "I can't really afford to eat out all the time. I mean, it's expensive here."

"Don't worry. It's my treat." He replied without looking back.

"I don't want to owe you anything either."

He sighed and stopped to face me. His expression told me he was tired and a little annoyed. His beautiful brown eyes seemed as though he hadn't been sleeping well. Still, I didn't back down.

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