Sins of the Father - Pt1

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Lala had left the house for a walk but I knew why she'd done it. She'd wanted to give Tes and I some time alone together. The moment she was gone, Tes produced a small wooden box and set it on the table in front of me. I looked up to see Tes smirking at me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I told you I was chasing you. Didn't you agree?"

I laughed. "I agreed."

"Then, open it."

"Okay." I couldn't help the smile to wash over my face as I lifted the lid to find a wooden carving of the Buddha. "This is for me?"

Tes nodded when I looked up.

"Thank you." I looked down at the gift again. "No one has every given me anything this thoughtful before."

Tes knelt in front of me. When I met his eyes, he braced his palms on my knees and pushed up to kiss my right cheek, then my left. "I have to be thoughtful." His voice cracked. "My boyfriend deserves a considerate boyfriend."

Hearing him calling me his boyfriend set my heart on fire. Setting the gift on the table, I hugged Tes close to me.

We had dinner together, feeding each other from our plates. Afterward, we settled in to watch a movie.

I'd been comfortable in Tes' arms when the call came. After kissing his head, I scrambled out of the bed and began hauling on my clothes.

"What time is it?" He asked around a groan.

"It's late." I replied, shoving my phone into my pocket then sitting on the side of the bed to get one final cuddle in. "Mongkut is missing."

Tes scrambled from the bed and reached for his clothes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"P...your friend is in trouble," he said, pulling his pants up. "I'm not letting you go out there alone. Besides, you'll need all the help you can get."

He dressed and bolted out the door ahead of me. I watched as he hurried down the hall to find Lala and she too dressed and was out the door with me. They drove their car while I hopped onto my motorcycle and led the charge to the address Wolf had sent.

We arrived first and after we introduced ourselves, we broke apart with flashlights, searching the dark area for Mongkut. I could hear Tes and Lala and Mongkut's father calling for him from where I roamed.

Wolf's head lights illuminated the area and I waved him down.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

"Wan has him." Wolf confided. "He called me. He took Mongkut because he wants me to hurt."

I gritted my teeth.

"Let me speak with Mongkut's father then I think I might have an idea of where he is." Wolf confessed. "Get in."

Wolf drove me back to the house and we managed to gather everyone. His father took on the role of informing Tok and Ari. I knew they'd want to come and help but Wolf and I were both praying we'd have Mongkut back in on piece before they arrived.

Once we had a plan, Wolf and I set off. I left my motorcycle eat Mongkut's and got in the car. I drove. Wolf was shaking.

The rage in him was understandable but I could see it pouring out of his every pore. He held his thighs as though willing his legs to stop shaking, his jaws clenched and I could almost hear his thoughts.

Whatever he wanted to do to Wan, I would stand back. I'd given Wan a chance. He'd used it to stab us in the back. In a way, all this was my fault. Anurak had been right—mercy was for the weak.

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