Crossing Lines

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"Did you get them?" Tar asked.

"Khrap." I replied, already going through the reports. With my father in the hospital, it fell to me to ensure certain things were done, even from halfway across the globe. With Tar as my right hand as well my ears and eyes, I juggled my father's work and school. "How is he?"

"A couple bruised ribs." Tar replied. "The doctors wont say it but it's obvious he was in a fight. I don't know what he was thinking wandering off without anyone. I'm still trying to trace where he went."

"Has he said anything?"

"Not a word about what happened or who did this to him." Tar sighed. 

I exhaled loudly. "Okay. I'll have these back to you. It's early here and I have classes soon."

"I'm heading back inside with your father." Tar told me. "Talk soon."

"Okay, khrap."

Before I could exhale, Dae entered my place. He set a cup of coffee down for me and arched a brow.

"You're supposed to be picking up Mongkut." I told him. "Why are you here?"

"Nong doesn't want a ride anymore. I told you about that." Dae explained. "He is getting one with Tok."

I growled in my throat.

"Jealousy." Dae sighed. "Look, get dressed. We're going to be late."

"I'm not jealous." I told him. "Mongkut like girls."

"It's not Chang Noi anymore?"

I didn't want to talk about it. Instead of sticking around, I hurried into my bathroom. I showered quickly, dressed in a pair of black slacks a white shirt and a grey sweater. I fixed my hair, then hurried out to shove my books into my bag then met Dae in the living room. I stopped long enough to grab the coffee he'd brought me and the two of us headed out.

He left his car at my condo and I drove us to the campus.

The day went by in a blur. I didn't pause to eat. Lunch time was spent sending specs back to Tar for my father's business and speaking with the doctors about my father's condition. They were worried about his wounds, wanted to call the authorities. Somehow, I talked them out of it.

They wanted to keep him for a couple of days, to monitor the ribs and his blood pressure. I then spoke to Tar.

"Stay with him," I told P'Tar. "I don't know who I can trust right now. If you're right and this has anything to do with the Sharks, they could try again."

Tar agreed.

With our conversation over, I rushed back to class then to a study group. By the time my day ended, the sun had already gone down and I was the walking dead heading back to my car.

When I was close enough, someone was leaning against the vehicle. Each step I took closer, I realized it was Mongkut.

My heart raced. My palms were covered in sweat and my mouth dried out until my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. I swallowed.

"Mongkut." I managed.

"You look tired."

"I am."

He bowed his head. "Can I take you home?" Mongkut asked. "You shouldn't be driving right now. We can leave the car here and you can get it in the morning."

Most of me wanted to decline. But I was too tired and too weak from the shyness in his eyes to decline. He called a cab and when we arrived at his place, Mongkut handed me a towel, a pair of PJ bottom I was pretty sure would be too short on me and a tshirt too big for him.

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