The Weight of the Wolf's Burden

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We were running late.

The plan was to check out of the hotel around seven to get back to my place and prepared to be picked up by Dae to drive me to the airport. But when I woke up, Mongkut was comfortable against my chest and I didn't have the heart to wake him. When he did wake up, we made love again, this time, with Mongkut on top, towering over me, bouncing up and down. I couldn't get my mind off how handsome he was in those moments, his eyes rolled back and his nails making trails down my chest.

I was excited the research I'd done panned out. I had been terrified our first time would be lacking since it was also my first time with a guy. But I'd enjoyed it--and from the looks of things, so did Mongkut.

By the time we made it back to my condo, we were running twenty minutes behind. Luckily, I'd packed my suitcase for home before leaving.

"Could you do me a favor when you go home?" Mongkut asked.

"Of course."

Mongkut rushed into the living room then returned with a gift box. It wasn't wrapped. "What's this?"

"It's for my dad."

"You want me to take it to him." I smiled.

"It would be a big favor. I'd owe you."

I couldn't help smirking. "I like the idea of you owing me. Write his address down and I'll be your very handsome delivery boy."

Mongkut smacked me but grinned and did as I asked.

"Do you want to take a shower with me?" I asked Mongkut.

He blushed and smacked my shoulder which only made me laugh.

"No." He pouted. "If we start, we'll be even later than we already are. You shower, I make you something to eat."

We didn't have time to eat at the hotel, and since we had been rushing back, we didn't stop for anything. I took both his hands in mine and kissed one then the other. I kissed his forehead, his nose then both cheeks before I released him and headed into the bathroom.

The time ticked by at lightening speed. Dae arrived on time to quickly eat with us then we set off for the airport. I sat in the backseat to hold Mongkut in my arms. Though I was worried about my father, my heart would remain with my Chang Noi. It may sound heartless but Mongkut had more care for me in the months I'd known him than my father had for me my entire life.

Mongkut put what's best for me ahead of his own heart. I knew my leaving hurt him, it broke his heart. I could tell by the way his tears soaked through my shirt as he rested his cheek to my chest.

"I'll be back before you know it." I tried comforting him.

Mongkut nodded.

I caught his chin and lifted his head so I could kiss him tenderly. Mongkut sighed and kissed me back, but the moment wasn't to last. Dae parked and we made our way into the airport from the underground parking lot.

It didn't take long for me to sign in. When that was over, Dae hugged me tightly.

"We meet up when I get home?" He asked.

"Of course." I replied. "Give me a call when you get there. Maybe I could have someone pick you up at the airport?"

"My sister is coming for me." Dae replied. "Handle your business with your father. I'm pretty sure Tar could use a little break."

I nodded and hugged him again.

It was hard, but I turned to look at Mongkut who was averting his eyes from me. Tenderly, I used my index finger to turn his face. Though there were no tears, his eyes were read. Without saying a word, I pulled him into my chest, and he hung tightly to me. I kissed the side of his head, not wanting to let him go.

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