Ring the Alarm

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"He keeps saying that Bella is following him. That she's haunting him." The doctor explained in a hushed tone. "Who is Bella?"

"His wife." I replied. "She died about twelve or so years ago."

"I think it's still bothering him. We've had to sedate him. He attacked an orderly last night."

I sighed. "What can you tell me?" I asked. "Is he treatable?"

"We will have to get a psychiatrist to come in and take a look." The doctor said. "In the meantime, you probably should get his son here. There are a few things we need to run tests for, but we're going to need his son to sign off on a bunch of them. Until then, we will keep him comfortable."

I nodded and the doctor patted my shoulder and walked away. I had to hold on for two more weeks. I didn't want to drop it all on Wolf, but it would be nice having a second person to help me.

My exhaustion pulsed at my lower back and while I dragged my fingers through my hair, I could barely stay awake. I needed to update Wolf, but he'd sent me a text that he would be away for the weekend. I'd already told him he needed to come home, I didn't want to drop anything else on him.

I drove home, the music blaring to keep me awake. When I pulled up to my gate, another car, a familiar car, was parked at the side. I turned off the ignition and walked over to knock on the window.

Tes climbed out. "Hi, P."

"What are you doing here so late?" I asked.

"Waiting for you."

I wished he'd been waiting in the way I'd like. But I exhaled and leaned my arm to the roof of his car. "I'm here now."

Tes shoved a bag toward me. "I thought you might be hungry."

I smiled. "Do you want to come in?"

"Um—maybe not, P. It's late and you're tired, I can tell." Tes replied. "And I have an early class tomorrow."

Disappointed, I accepted the bag and held it to my side. "Thanks for the food, na?" I wanted to tell him to dream of me tonight. Instead, I settled for good night and stepped back. "Be safe going home."

"Good night, P."

"Message me when you get home."


I watched until long after his taillights disappeared in the distance. I then drove my car into the yard, closed the gates and headed inside.

After a quick shower, I went back to see what he'd brought me. Congee, Som Tam and Pad Phuk. A separate container on the top held Luk Chup. I couldn't help the smile to pass my lips. Luk Chup had been my favorite desserts ever since I was a child.

I ate and was waiting for him to message before I touched the Luk Chup.

"I'm home, P."

When I checked my phone, my heart soared. "You got me Luk Chup. Khob kun-na-khrap."

"You're welcome. Are you going to go to bed?"

I wish you were here with me.

Instead I cleared my throat and sent him a different message. "Soon. Someone just fed me. Need to digest."

He replied with a blushing face emoji.

I laughed.

"Were you at the hospital all day, P?"

"Yes. My uncle seems to be getting worse." I admitted. "I'm still waiting for his son to get home from abroad."

"Why is he still away?"

"He's in school. He can't miss exams."

"You're a good person, P." Tes replied. "Do you have anything to take your mind off things for a little bit?"

I cleared my throat and tapped out a message I probably shouldn't have. "I have you."


I ate my dessert, washed my hands and dishes, still nothing.

Even after I'd brushed my teeth and crawled into bed, Tes still hadn't replied to my last message. I sighed, put my phone to charge and roll over. It took me sometime to fall asleep but when I did the nightmares raged through my mind like never before. It had to have been my fear of losing Tes.

Then again, I never did have him to begin with. He was younger than I was, almost the same age as Wolf. Maybe him not replying was my answer to if I should chase him or not. It was proof I had my hands full with Anurak and should focus on that.

But was it selfish to take the little happiness he'd given me? Was I a horrible person for enjoying his kindness or the light in his eyes?

Did I not need to come up for the pits of my life, for but a moment? Was I undeserving?

The next morning, I unplugged my phone but didn't check it. Instead, I showered, made myself some breakfast then started doing some research on some of the conditions Anurak might have.

An hour in and I was beginning to feel symptomatic of a few of them. It was driving me mad. My phone had gone off a few times but I'd ignored it. After research I made some breakfast and while I ate, I began going through some messages.

"One of our trucks was hit last night." The message was terse. "Instructions?"

"Do you know by whom?" I replied.

Quickly the answer game. "Sharks."

"Bring Wan to me at the office." I frowned.


Moved on to one message after another after another until I stopped at one from Tes. I skipped it. My heart couldn't handle what it had to say. Instead, I called Wolf in response to his desk.

I gathered my things, changed and got on my motorcycle to the office. In less than ten minutes, one of our guys dragged a struggling Wan in and closed the door.

"Sit." I demanded.

Wan's leg fell out from under him into a chair and I rose. While buttoning my blazer, I walked around the desk and sat on the edge of it.

"Do you think right now is the time to be testing my patience?" I asked. "We allow you to work this channel because my boss and yours had a deal. Do you think because Anurak is away right now you can break your word."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I backhanded him across the face.

"Lie to me again." I growled close to his ear. "You will return goods taken from our transport. You have twenty-four hours."

"P'Anu would never—"

"Too bad for you P'Anu is not in charge right now." I reminded him. "Twenty four hours, Wan. That's all you get."

I motioned for him to be escorted out then sat in my chair once more. The Sharks were testing me—I knew that now. They want to find my weakness and I won't give them one. This company was Anurak's legacy to his only child. I wasn't about to lose it.

Twenty four hours, and if our goods weren't returned, I would begin knocking heads together.

Alone, I finally checked the message Tes had sent me back.

Yes, P'Tar. You have me.

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