First Taste of Laughter

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Everything Pa placed on the table, I inspected. Everything had to be perfect. Wolf wasn't used to a tiny home like this. It scared me having him over but Pa had kind of guessed Wolf and I were together. Now, he wanted to meet him under different circumstances.

Actually, it wasn't hard for him to guess. Wolf had purchased a first class ticket home for me and Pa didn't think a person who didn't love me would do that. My face was still blushing from the talk the talk.

"Mongkut." Pa groaned. "You're underneath my foot."

"I'm sorry." I shifted a bowl of rice a little closer to the center of the table.

"Someone pulled into the driveway." Pa pointed. "It could be your Wolf. Now go."

When I tried moving a bowl of shrimp stew he'd created for his food truck, Pa gave me the look and I ran out the door. His laughter followed me to the front window where I peeked out to see Wolf climbing from his luxury car. I prayed he hadn't bought his weapon with him. My father would lose his mind if he knew Wolf had a gun.

I opened the door and hurried down the front steps to him. He tried pulling me into his arms but I stopped him and glanced back at the house to see if my father was looking out. When I didn't see him, I kissed Wolf quickly.

"Calm down, boyfriend." He smirked at me while leaning forward to kiss between my eyes. "I won't embarrass you."

"My house isn't like yours." I told him.

"Tell me what you mean."

"Your place is fancy. It has all these nice things. But Pa and I are happy because here, we're together."

I framed his face. "Chang Noi, your father loves you. I saw how happy he was to get the present for you. All he cared about was that you were okay. My mother once told me a roof and four walls didn't make a home."

"What does?"


"Awww, Wolf." I smiled and stoke another kiss. "You're a softy."

He laughed. "Hang on."

Wolf went back to the car and reached into the back seat. When he stepped away, it was to produce a red rose for me. I kissed his cheek then sniffed it.

Next, he brought out a bunch of daisies and a wrapped box with a gold seal on it.

"What's in the box?" I wanted to know.

"Pa thong ko."

"Pa's favorite. How'd you know?"

He smirked and kissed my cheek then head. "I didn't. I know you have a sweet tooth."

"Chang Noi?"


When I stopped to face him, Wolf kissed me, deeply, completely then stood back. We walked into the house together.

After he closed the door, I removed my shoes, adjusted my shirt and followed him into the living room. I offered Pa wai and he grinned at me.

"Welcome, Wolf. Come on in." Pa greeted him. "The food is ready."

Wolf offered Pa the flowers and the desserts. I watched the smile on Pa's face and knew he liked Wolf. There were very few people my father disliked. And he'd met Wolf before and hadn't complained. He had gushed about Wolf's manners, the intelligent way he spoke and the way he was dressed.

We sat around for dinner, talking. Wolf laughed—he truly laughed. It was a beautiful sound I hadn't really heard before. He would smile and smirked at me, especially when teasing me. But with Pa, Wolf was animated, and kind, and funny. It was a side of him I hadn't seen before.

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