Falling Into Dark

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I stubbed out my cigarette with the toe of my shoe then walked back to wear Wolf was sitting. He poured me a drink and I accepted then sat with a grunt. I took two sips, set the glass down on the center table then leaned back. I didn't have to look over at him to know he was staring at me. I laughed softly.

"You're doing it again, Nong." I told him.

"Doing what?"

When I looked at him, Wolf turned to pour himself a drink. He said nothing until after he'd taken a couple of sips from his whiskey.

"What are you not telling me?" Wolf asked softly. "You're smoking again."

I smiled. "I've fallen for someone." Saying out loud caused to pick up my drink and tossed it back. I replayed my confession in my head, and I could barely breathe.

"Tell me about your lover." Wolf poured me another drink.

"He has the darkest hair I'd ever seen on—" I paused and closed my eyes.



Wolf smiled, sipped from his glass. "What are the chances?"

"I don't know." I replied. "His name is Tes, a medical student at the local university. Ever since you left, I hadn't had a decent conversation until I met him. Everything else was about business and the enemy. Then we sit down over lunch and he knows things..."

"You think his brain is sexy, P?"

"I should be ashamed."

Wolf cleared his throat. "Take it from me, P'Tar. I spent a lot of time trying to think of reasons not to chase Mongkut. Everything from he was younger than me, to I don't like men, to what would people think? After a while, I realized they had too much control over my happiness. Here, they tell us to hide our love—we can't hold hands, we can't kiss in public. Why do they have to much control over what our hearts want?"

"Good question."

"As long as your Tes id agreeable." Wolf finished his drink then leaned forward to put the glass down. "Why don't you take the day off tomorrow? Spend some time with him."

I wanted to argue. But the truth was, I was exhausted. Feeling as if the world was sitting on my shoulder, I pulled my gun from my holster and set it on the table in front of him. "Just in case."

Wolf nodded, picked up the weapon and checked it like I'd taught him all those years ago, then set it back on the table. It was sad having to teach a child how to handle a weapon, but his father's lifestyle hadn't been conducive to a long life.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I want to visit Mongkut's father," Wolf told me.

"You're meeting the father in law?"

Wolf laughed. "It's not like that. I think in a way I'm still chasing Mongkut."

"You call him your little elephant. Which means you think he's a good luck charm." I smiled. "And that necklace..."

"He gave it to me—didn't want me opening it until I was on the phone."

"Wow—I have to admit I'm jealous."

Wolf chuckled. "You don't have to be."

"Put that away." I pointed to the weapon. "You still know how to handle yourself?"

"Of course." Wolf did I asked. "I had a great teacher."

I knew I was only human and couldn't be with Wolf all the time to protect him. I had to teach Wolf how to protect himself, just in case. I got up to walk away but stopped to look over my shoulder at him. "It's good to see you, my brother."

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