An Offer of Innocence - PT 2

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We walked across pristine marble floor and entered an elevator that seemed as though it was brand new. Wolf pressed number forty button and my heart immediately began racing. The highs I'd ever been was on the airplane and that terrified the hell out of me.

I stepped in close and looped my pinky finger with the on of his nearest hand, then rested my forehead to his shoulder.

"Afraid of heights?" His voice was soft.

"Chi, P." I replied without thinking.

"Don't worry." Wolf told me, untangling our fingers to wrap his arms around me. "I'll be right across from you."

I lifted my head and inhaled deeply. One the breath was out slowly through my mouth, I looked up to smile for his eyes were so worried for me. Wolf touched my left check tenderly with the back of a finger and I laughed softly.

The lift doors opened and we stepped into a gorgeous restaurant. Sun shined brightly through the glass walls and I instantly felt better.

"Ah yes," the hostess was saying by the time I stopped staring around like a child in a toy store. "Mr. Channarong. You are listed here for breakfast for two. We have your table reserved for you."

I hadn't thought of it before. It was the first time I heard what Wolf's last name and I was pretty sure he didn't know what mine was. My cheeks heated—that was so scandalous. But my thoughts died in my head as he pressed a strong hand to my lower back as we followed her through the place to a cozy, semi private table overlooking the ocean.

The thought of being afraid of how high I was disappeared and all I could do was stare out at the ocean. He reached across to squeeze my hand and I offered him a smile.

 He reached across to squeeze my hand and I offered him a smile

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"Want to start with something to drink?" He asked me.

"Oh!" I looked up at the waitress and smiled. "Tea?"

"We have..." She paused as though flipping the pages of a book in her head. "Orange Pekoe, Earl Grey, Green Tea, Oolong tea, Jasmine..."

"Orange Pekoe please." I told her.

"And for you sir?"

Wolf dropped his hands into his lap. "Coffee is fine. Thanks."

"Very well."

She hurried off and I picked up the menu. I settled for the breakfast platter since it came with steak and eggs. When I set the menu aside, Wolf was still reading his.

"It just occurred to me we don't know a lot about each other." I told him.

He lowered the menu to stare at me for a moment, closed it then set it aside. "Okay. I thought we had the rest of our lives for that, but ask me anything."


He nodded.

"Well, aside from Wolf, what's your actual name?"

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