Waiting for the Light

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When I first entered the room, Anurak had no idea who I was. I helped him to eat something then to drink some water. He began thinking I was one of the nurses. But then as time wore by, he remembered me, but only the first few months when I met him.

I didn't try correcting him. The doctor had explained to me it would do no good. His memories were of a long time ago and no matter how many times I corrected him, Anurak would only revert to those days.

I sat by his bed while he drifted in and out of slumber. I text back and forth with the guys working for Anurak. I was still trying to figure out why the Sharks had stolen things from up. It was as though they were testing to see what would happen since Anurak was ill.

I hadn't told anyone the extent of his illness.

Most of what was taken from our transport had been returned except for a couple of items. They were small but it was the principle of the time. I ordered Wan be brought to me. I wanted him waiting in the office while I went down to see Anurak. When I arrived, the doctor had results for me.

It wasn't pretty.

The extent of his treatment would have to be explained to wolf who was two days away from arriving. I rubbed my eyes and was sitting by Anurak's bed as he chatted about thing that happened long before I began working for him. It was heartbreaking to see a man, who most people would run when they saw him, be diminished to such a shadow.

My phone rang and I glanced down at the face. I rose but Anurak didn't seem to even realize I'd moved. He continued speaking even after I excused myself and opened the door. I stepped out to answer the call.

"P, Wan is gone."

"Gone?" I asked. "Gone where?"

"His neighbours have no idea, P." They saw him leaving early this morning with a suitcase.

I frowned. "Find him. Someone must know here he is. Start with Bal and work your way down the line."

"Chi, P."

I hung up, wanting to slam a fist through a wall but settled for bowing my head and rubbing my eyes. For a moment, I merely stood there, trying to pull myself together. I couldn't let Anurak see me worry even though he wouldn't remember anything about our current lives.

Walking back into Anurak's room was something else. It was as if a heavier burden was placed on my shoulders, weighting me into the floor.

Anurak was asleep by the time I returned. I pulled the blankets up to his shoulders and stared into his face. He's lost some weight and that worried me. He was in one of the best hospitals, but I still wonder if there wasn't anything else we could do for him.

"All we can do for him, is to make him comfortable." The doctor said.

"What does that mean?"

"It means, although his son has approved on his treatment, P'Anurak is still slipping." He explained. "We're hoping we'll see some improvement in the next little while. If not, we'll have to change the cocktail of medication."

I rubbed the back of my neck as the memory of the conversation returned.

I sent a text to Wolf with update on Anurak and after a final look at him, I exited the room and hurried along the corridor, checking updates.

While Anurak was down, and Wolf was away, it was my job to ensure everything kept running, and everyone who worked for Anurak was happy with everything they needed. I had to keep everything on track for Wolf. I knew people would try me, see how strong I was and what I was capable of. I also knew they would test Wolf as well. I just didn't expect it from the inside.

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