All Fall Down

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The look on Tar's face sent dread through me. I took Wolf's hand and we walked back to the sofa. While he sat on the actual seating, I sat on the floor between his knees. I had a feeling I didn't want to be any higher off the ground for what was coming.

Tar had a kind of one sided conversation with someone on the phone. His responses were short and terse and when he hung up, it was almost as if someone had flooded the room with cold water. He brought a chair to sit between the group. He inhaled and looked over at Tes. "Um—Tes, you said you found an earring in your grandmother's thing." Tar began.

Tes nodded.

"I have a picture on my phone." Lala pulled out her cell and turned it to show Tar.

Tar accepted the phone and handed it to me. "Does this look familiar?"

Without looking at the screen, I glanced up at Wolf who gave me a short nod. My heart raced inside my chest and I couldn't seem to get my mouth wet enough for my tongue not to stick to the roof of it. The moment I saw it, I knew it.

"This is my mother's." I told Tar then looked over at Tes and Lala. "P? Where'd you get it?"

"It was in a box my grandmother had hidden away under her bed." Lala spoke. "I don't understand? P'Tar?"

Tar cleared his throat and scooted closer. "Nong—Tes, Lala—meet your brother."

Tes and Lala's eyes widened. I looked up at Wolf who instantly shifted off the sofa to sit behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What?" Ari and Tok screamed.

"I asked my friend to keep digging." Tar told us. "I mean, I'd suggest getting the test done to find out. But Seven found an old doctor who worked at the hospital. A month after your mother left, he suddenly retired. He moved to Hua Hin and has been living there since. Your grandmother, Tes, gave him a very big payment to vanish."

"I feel sick." Lala whispered.

"There's more." Tar explained. "Um—maybe we should talk in private."

"I can't do this alone." Mongkut explained. "Please, continue."

Tar nodded. "Tes and Lala—Mongkut's mother worked for your parents as a maid. Your father—well, he forced himself on her."

Lala pressed her face into Tes' neck.

"Do you want me to stop?" Tar asked.

Tes rubbed his sister's back. "No. We all need to hear this."

"Okay. She became pregnant after this." Tar continued. "Tried to leave but your grandmother wouldn't allow it. They didn't want the shame. She remained hidden until she was ready to have you, Mongkut then she was taken to the hospital. After she had the baby, she kind of took you and ran. I guess she was afraid of what would happen to you or her."

"How did I wind up discarded?" Mongkut asked.

"We don't know." Tar replied. "After she took you from the hospital, it's almost as if she fell off the face of the planet. But we're thinking she placed you there hoping someone would find you. I think she knew she'd never be able to take care of you. And your father would never claim you. Her name is Rin Naowarat."

"Rin." I whispered, the word tearing at the scabs on my heart. "Naowarat."

I exhaled while trying to steal some strength from Wolf. He kissed my neck and behind my ear. The news didn't hit me as hard because of him. Even when Lala knelt in front of me to stare into my eyes, I was numb but I had Wolf.

"Do we believe pa is capable of rape?" Tes' voice cracked.

"Yes." Lala replied. "Yes he is capable of anything. Does it make sense they are doing business in Dubai or did they run away."

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