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Exhaustion pulsed at my lower back. The day had been long. Between going into the office, dealing with logistics and the craziness of running a business, then spending a few hours at my father's side, my whole world was in a shaky mess.

I spoke with Mongkut via text messaging, but I needed more.

Falling asleep at my father's side pushed me into a dark place, where the demons returned and that rainy night my father killed someone threatened to drive me mad. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. I woke with a strangled cry.

I panted, looking around, trying to remember where I was.

Reality came through like a punch to the gut.

After a quick rush to the bathroom to splash water on my face, I checked in with the nurses then my father and left the hospital. There wasn't really anything else the hospital could do for my father. It was time to get him into a hole where he could get the round the clock care he needed.

With that at the back of my mind for the moment, I turned the car toward home. The wind swirled cooler than usual. I was thankful for that to cool my skin down and help clear my mind.

I pulled into the front yard and waited for the gate to close behind me before turning off the ignition. Tar was leaning against his motorcycle.

"Hey," I greeted him while dumping the keys into my pocket. "Come on in."

The first thing I did was removed my watch and plugged my phone in to charge in the kitchen. "You're early."

"I know." Tar fell into the sofa and stretched his legs out in front of him. "I needed to get away."

I nodded. "Okay—let me shower and get ready."

After a quick shave, I showered and dressed in all black. When I jogged down the stairs, Tar waited for me. I arched a brow while pulling my phone off the charger. "I thought you'd be picking up Tes."

"No." Tar replied. "That's not going to work out. I think we work better as friends."

"Really?" I picked up my watch and strapped it around my wrist while staring at him. "Here's what I thought of when I was pushing away from Mongkut. Can you see him with another man?"

Tar turned away while shoving his fingers into his pockets.

"You're going to have to talk to him." I told him.

"I know." Tar faced me. "Not tonight."

I could respect that. We went on our way. The first stop was to pick up Mongkut, then Dae. When we arrived at the restaurant, we were first. We found a table for all of us—including Tok and Ari.

The hostess escorted us through the restaurant to a back patio. The torches flickered in the wind as we all scampered around to sit. We ordered a round of drinks while we waited. When Ari and Tok arrived, we set out to order food and settled in our night together.

I watched the group who'd become my world. This was the family who had chosen me and I enjoyed it. Mongkut was alive. The smile on this face, the sound of his laughter—his happiness did my heart well.

I reached over and caressed Mongkut's cheek. When he looked at me and smiled, I returned it but not for long as he lifted a piece of beef to my lips. The others cheered as I accepted the morsel. Mongkut smiled then leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"Are you staying with me tonight?" I whispered in his ear.

"Do you want me to?" Mongkut replied.

"Would you two stop being so lovey?" Dae groaned. "You're making the rest of us jealous."

"Not me!" Tok spoke up. "I have my girl right here."

Kissing in a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now