Different Shades of Tes

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There wasn't ever a world where I should have been in love with a man so much older than me. But it happened the moment I saw him. Being openly Gay was one thing, wanting someone I knew to be straight was another. He hadn't confessed to be straight—I'd never spoken to him. But he seemed like the type to have many girls chasing him.

I first fell for his eyes—brown, dark, mysterious. As he helped me pick up the papers I'd scattered all over the ground. His eyes reminded me of the sky right before a thunderstorm hit. They were dark, with clouds threatening destruction, a simmering fire. I'd been engulfed in them and for the longest time, I didn't want to stop staring into them.

As I waited for my sister to make an appearance, I allowed my mind to wander back to him. Strange, I was already imagining him kissing my cheeks and I didn't even know his name.

I checked the time and frowned before picking up my phone to send my sister a text message. She was always late and most often than not, because of her, I would arrive at the campus behind schedule.

I'm leaving you. I sent her a text

P'Tessssssssss! No-khaa!  She'd even added a rather large crying cat emoji.

I started the ignition to stress my point. Lala came darting out of the house and flung herself into the passenger seat of my car.

"Why are you always like this?" I asked while shaking my head. "Why are you always late? You woke up on time."

"P!" she cried. "Please don't scold me. Time has a way of slipping away. That's all."

I didn't say anything. Instead, I dropped her off at her campus then turned my car toward mine. My mind slipped again and began remembering everything about the man I admired. He was tall, handsome, fair skinned, dark haired—I wished so desperately I could see his eyes again.

I wished I had a reason to approach him.

Something caught my attention from the corner of my eyes. I'd already put my foot on the brake, slowing down when someone lurched from the side and fell heavily on the hood of my car. I screech to a stop and tumbled out and around to him.

"Khun!" I called. "Are you okay? Khun?"

I glanced around but we were alone. "Where'd you come from?"

Not sure what else to do, and realizing the man was bleeding, I brought him into my car and strapped him into a seatbelt. "I'll take you to the hospital, khrap. Don't worry. It'll be okay."

Speeding all the way to the nearest hospital, I ushered him inside as fast as I could. A nurse rushed out and took over and I crumbled into one of the seats in the waiting area. Since I wasn't family, they really couldn't tell me anything about him after I'd admitted him. Still, I waited, hoping to merely be there in case of anything.

I wasn't going to make it to school. Tired, I pulled out my cell.

"Boss, I'm not going to make it to class today." I told him. "Can you take notes for me?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Had an accident and had to drive someone to the hospital. I'll explain later."

"Nong?" A man walked toward me.

"I have to go." I hung up before Boss could ask any more questions and stood. I offered him wai and shoved my fingers into my pockets.

"Are you related to him?" The doctor asked.

"No, khrap. I was driving and he kind of ran in front of my car." I sighed. "Will he be okay? I didn't know what else to do and since he was bleeding..."

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