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After our return from the cabin, Prae had taken it upon herself to follow us around. I noticed her quite too often for it to have been an accident. Mongkut wanted to speak to her about it, but he had enough on his plate. It was about a week later before she approached me.

"What are you and Mongkut doing?" She demanded.

"Are you talking to me?" I demanded, glaring at her.

She had the nerve to look scared. "Mongkut is mine," she said, her voice sharking. "You have no right going away with him."

"The last time I checked, you and Mong weren't dating." I pointed out. "And he put a stop to anything developing between the two of you. Let me be clear—Mongkut is mine. He just doesn't know it yet."

"Are you chasing him now?"

"There is no chasing, Pray. I've caught him—got it?"

"But you're both boys!" She squeaked. "How is it that he wants you over me?"

I picked up my bag and rose from my seat. "Stay away from Mongkut. I won't warn you again."

I said nothing to Mongkut about my conversation with Prae. I was pretty sure she wasn't over what I'd said to her or being dumped. I get she was hurt—after-all, losing Mongkut would hurt me too. But she'd lost him. He wasn't attracted to her.

He wanted me.

The days ticked by. The temperature dropped and the first snow arrived. I took Mongkut tobogganing and hot chocolate. He talked excitedly all the way back to his place. We made out until I almost exploded and had to run.

From the car I sent him a text.

"We had a deal—I'm sorry."

He sent me back a wink emoji.

Exams threatened to rip me apart. I never thought I could miss anyone as much as I missed him. When had that happened? When had I fallen so deep into the rabbit hole that I can barely go a day without seeing his beautiful face, and soft pink lips?

Mongkut and I couldn't see each other because of studying. He didn't want to be a distraction to me, and I knew how important his grades were to him fulfilling his dreams. I saw him on video chats session. We messaged each other on LINE, but it wasn't enough.

How was I going to survive being on the other side of the world?

Still, each time he asked if I was okay, I told him I was. The last thing I needed was for him to worry about me.

It took a week and a half before I could see Mongkut again. Then I had three days to be with him until I had to board a plane to Thailand. As I sped away from my condo toward the campus, I couldn't help the excitement to bubble inside me. I'd cleaned my entire condo, made food, bought drinks. Just before my destination, I stopped and bought a single, red rose.

I left it on the passenger seat, then stood outside the car, leaning against it while I played on my phone, waiting for my man. It sounded so good to think that term "my man."

I smiled and bowed my head.

Mongkut knew I would be coming for him and since I was early, I was pretty sure he was still in his last exam of the semester. I refrained from texting him.

Dae messaged me wanting to know if I was free for dinner. My answer was simple and swift. He sent me back a grinning emoji holding up the peace sign, then two emojis kissing with hearts exploding over their heads. I groaned.

"I can't with you." I messaged him. "I'll be busy until tomorrow."

"I'm sure you'll be busy."

"Not like that. Chang Noi isn't ready."

Kissing in a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now