An Offer of Innocence - PT 1

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I dreamt of kissing someone.


This time, the feelings to race through me were incredible. It was like the first sip from a cup of hot soup on a cold day. It flowed through my body, warming every part of me. I moaned for my kisser, feeling the hands grope me in specific places to drive me crazy.

This time, the kiss was rough and left my lips pulsing, making it very hard to breath.

Could it be Wolf? Could I be dreaming of the man who'd chased me and caught me?

I still didn't know what it meant. Perhaps it was because I had planned on giving myself to Wolf the next day. Maybe it was my fear.

But I wasn't about to change my mind. Deep down, I knew I was ready. I wanted to give myself to Wolf. Even if it would be the one night we had together, I wanted him to know he was my first. He was the first man to see me in a way no one else had.

Maybe if I'd taken more part in the planning of our nights together, I'd feel better. Wolf had taken the plan and ran with it. He wouldn't tell me what was going on. He wanted it all to be a surprise.

I rolled over and looked at the clock.

4:00 am


I closed my eyes and drifted off until buzzing woke me. I groaned and looked at the clock again.

5:15 am.

My phone was vibrating on the table next to my bed. When I checked the face, it was Tok. I groaned and answered it with a grunt.

"Mong" Tok sounded afraid.

"Are you dying?" I asked.


"Are you bleeding to death?"

"No." Tar replied, confused evident in his voice.

"Is your condo on fire?"

"Um—no. What's this about?" Tok wanted to know.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be sleeping? Getting ready for your flight."

"I can't sleep." Tok admitted. "I'm nervous about Ari going home with me."

'Wait—isn't she sleeping at your place tonight? What if she hears you?"


"Tok, everything is going to be okay-na?" I encouraged. "Ari is funny. She's kind, and smart. She has ambition—something mae always said was important, right?"


"So what's to worry about?" I rubbed my eyes. "Listen, you have a beautiful girlfriend—"

"Almost girlfriend."

I scoffed. "Fine. You have a beautiful almost girlfriend who has taken an interest in your culture, in where you're from. Tonight, you get to sleep in her arms while I'm here alone in this bed. Hang up the phone, crawl back into bed with her and pull her into your arms. Everything will work out."

"Khob khun-na-khra."

"Go to sleep."


"Call me when you guys are packed and ready."

He promised he would and hung up the phone.

I plugged it in to charge then settled back against the pillow. This time, I managed to drift off to sleep almost immediately. The next time I opened my eyes, the alarm was going off. I stuck a hand from under the sheet and let my fist fall in the head f the clock. But I didn't craw out.

Instead, I rolled over and shimmed down to get comfortable again.

I'm going to do it with Wolf.

My eyes flew opened and I jerked upright in bed. "Hey! Today is the day!"

My heart did a painful flip in my chest and I rushed to climb out of bed. In the process, I tangled my feet in the sheets, flailed through the air and landed on my butt. "Oi!"

For a moment, I laid there, knowing time was mocking me as it ticked by. Wolf had plans for us all day that would end at the hotel—a luxury hotel overlooking the water.

Sighing, I untangled my legs from the sheet and stood up. After making the bed, I darted into the bathroom, brushed my teeth then showered. A quick shave later, I washed my face, tapped on the faintest bit of aftershave then wrapped a towel around my hips. I moved my suitcase and small bag closer to the door, dressed comfortably before grabbing my scarf and jacket and laid them on the bed.

My phone chimed and it was a LINE message from Ari.

"We're at your door!"

I rushed to open it and she hugged me tightly. Tok was next but he picked me up and carried me into the condo while laughing. When he set me on my feet I smiled at Ari. "You look comfortable."

"It's like a sixteen hour flight." She shrugged. "I figure I could be comfortable. When we're close, I can always go into the bathroom changed and look cute."

"I keep telling her she looks fine." Tok pouted.

"This is the first time I'm meeting your mother. I wanna look like—I want to look more than cute. I want to look worthy of her son."

Tok smirked and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Thanks, baby."

I blushed.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Tok asked.

I nodded and pointed to my suitcase packed and ready to go. "Super ready. He says he has a day of surprises planned."

"Enjoy ever bit of it." Ari told me. "Like me. I told Tok when I come back, I'm going to be really fat and he has to keep chasing me."

I laughed. "How so?"

"I'm eating all the things." Ari giggled. "All. The. Things!"

Tok laughed out loud and shook his head. "Even if she is really fat, she's still my girl."

Ari sighed. "Isn't he the sweetest?"

We talked for a bit longer and after hugs and a phone call from Wolf, we all to the elevator down. Tok carried my bag while I rolled the suitcase. Wolf said his goodbyes to them and we stood alone in the parking lot, watching them go.

Wolf cradled my neck and kissed me softly on the lips. "Are you ready?"

He released me to set my suitcase and bag into the back seat.

"What's first?"

Wolf smirked, kissed my nose and opened my door for me. "Breakfast."

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