A Wolf in Reflection

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I stood under the water, head bowed, until it ran cold down my back. What had I done? Why did I react that way to knowing Mongkut was with someone else?

It angered me.

Rage was a powerful thing.

But my father's head would explode.

My life was not my own. Even if I wanted to explore what had happened between Mongkut and myself that night, I couldn't. I wasn't free to enjoy the softness of his lips, the heat I saw in his eyes, if only for a second. I couldn't dwell on the way his hand felt on my back or the side of my neck.

I closed my eyes and relived the moment.

Mongkut was stunned at first. But when it wore off, he kissed me back. My heart soared then crashed.

I turned off the water and grabbed a towel. After dragging it over my body, I wrapped it around my hips and made my way into my bedroom. I picked up my phone from the charger and scrolled through my photos to the one of Mongkut stripping shrimps for our meal. He had been attentive and adorable, and I couldn't resist snapping a picture of him.

Of course, he didn't know I had it.

It was my one thing, my one private thing I would like to cherish.

A loud knock startled me, and I closed the phone, plugged it back in and walked over to open the door. Dae walked by me, chatting excitedly. My brain couldn't focus on his words.

"Dae..." I called his name while closing the door. "Slow down. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." Dae arched a brow. "You're naked."

I looked down then up at him again. "Um—I was in the shower. Let me get dressed."

Dae nodded, hung my keys up where I normally kept them then fell into the sofa. He instantly pulled out his phone. After a shake of my head, I headed into my bedroom. Instead of fully dressing, I merely drew on a pair of track pants and a dress shirt that I neglected to button.

When I returned, Dae was standing at the window, staring down.

"Where have you been?" Dae asked. "I brought the car back, but you weren't home and you weren't answering your phone."

"I was with Mongkut." I replied, walking to the fridge for a bottle of water. "We worked on the project some but I shouldn't be meeting with him much anymore."

"You're finished?" Dae asked.

"Almost. We'll be at the library."

Dae tilted his head to one side. It was his way of questioning everything in one movement. I wrung the cap from the bottle and took a long drink before sitting across from my friend and leaning forward.

"I need a favour," I told Dae without meeting his eyes.


"Can you pick Mongkut up in the mornings and drive him to school?" I asked. "He normally stays with his friends after school so they can take him home."

"Wolf—khrap...what's going on with him? Is anyone bothering him?"

"No. Do this for me."

Dae paused then nodded. "Sure. My car is due back this weekend anyway. Are you okay?"

I nodded.

I didn't think Dae believed me. But I didn't know what answer to give him—the truth or the lie I wanted to believe. There was something between Mongkut and I—something that drew me to him the first day I saw him in class. It was the day he tried his best not to let his thigh touch me.

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