Cracks in the Veil

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Snack packets, plates and empty cups were strewn all around us. Despite our rocky start, we'd gotten quite a lot of our project done. Research wasn't as hard as we'd thought and I'd gotten the introduction written while Wolf had tackled the first main point.

I saved what we had so far, backed it up and emailed a copy to myself—just to be sure.

I yawned.

"Maybe we should stop for the night." Wolf's voice was low, sleepy. "I'll take you home."

"That's okay, Khrap. I can walk. It's not very far."

He arched a brow at me but didn't move to get up or close the book he had spread in his lap. "It's late, Chang Noi."

"Really, you have to stop calling me that."

Wolf closed the book and dropped it on the sofa beside him. When he stood, he stretched his back like a cat coming into the sunlight for the first time. I watched the way his body arched, while remembering the hardness of his chest when I'd fallen on him.

"I'm not letting you walk home." Wolf turned to look down on me. "Pack up."

I gave in. The truth was, I didn't want to be walking home by myself anyway. Before I could do as he'd all but ordered, the boom of thunder echoed through the space. We exchanged looks as I scrambled from the floor to dart across the room.

For a moment, I paused but it wasn't for long. I shoved the curtains open and groaned.

"Give me a break!" I groaned.

"I guess you can stay here tonight."

My heart raced inside my chest until I had to wince to alleviate the pain. "I-I can't stay here tonight, P. I don't have anything for bedtime and in case you haven't noticed, you only have one bed."

"I'll take the sofa." He told me gruffly.

"I can't ask you to do that, P."

"Are you always this disagreeable?" Wolf asked. "Take the bed. I'll lend you something from my closest and I think I have an extra toothbrush around here somewhere. If not, you can rinse with mouthwash. One night without brushing won't kill you."

"But it might kill you." I muttered.



He walked over to stand in front of me. Though he said nothing for an eternity, he eventually bowed his head as his shoulders rose and fell. When he looked up again, the brown of his eyes was beautiful.

I stared into them, took the journey and got lost on my way back. There wasn't any fear in me as I wanted to stay hidden within the deepness of his gaze. "Mong...Err...follow me to the bedroom."

Wolf walked off and left me where, still trying to find my way back out of his soul. For some reason my legs wouldn't listen to my brain and I leaned heavily against the wall.

What did he want to do with me in the bedroom? He couldn't be so forward as to demand me follow him.

Would I enjoy it?

What was I thinking? No—I didn't want me to—

Wait...Maybe it wouldn't be the worse thing in the world.

I shook my head. "Stop it, idiot."

"Chang Noi."

A frowned creased between my eyes but I said nothing. Instead, I forced my body to behave and I hurried to follow him.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked.

"No one."

Wolf's bedroom wasn't what I expected. It only had a bed, a guitar sitting in one corner, one bedside table with a lamp and alarm clock with a large wooden chest sitting at the foot of the bed. The walls were adorned with artwork and one poster of Atom Chanakan.

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