Cleansing Words

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Tok, Ari and I went shopping for winter jackets. In my research they said the weather in British Columbia was milder than the rest of the province. But they still insisted on us getting jackets.

The weather had changed drastically and since it was my first time experiencing such harsh change in temperature, I wanted to make sure I had a jacket to protect me from the elements. I had a budget plus Pa had sent me a little extra, just in case I needed it. That bit, I rolled up and shoved into a secret section of my backpack.

"So, how did it go with Wolf?" Tok asked as we wandered out of yet another store.

"I'm not sure." I replied. "We had dinner. We talked. I got him to sleep in the same bed as me, but nothing happened."

"I'm confused." Ari said, leading us into another store. "Did you want something to happen?"

"Yes—no—I don't know." I flustered. "I wanted him to at least try."

"Well, he can't read your mind." Ari emphasized her words while staring pointedly at Tok. "And you know how some people are? Prudes? What if he had tried something—maybe to kiss you? What would you have done?"

"Kiss him back?" I asked. "I don't know."

"See?" Tok asked. "That's the issue. If you don't even know what you want from him, how is he supposed to know? He's not a mind reader."

"Well, maybe if he at least put some clues out there, Wolf wouldn't have to read his mind." Ari snapped a little too dramatically.

I arched a brow. "Um—are we still talking about Wolf and I? Guys, come on. I need all the help I can get here."

Ari sighed. "Did you get him wings, pizza and beer like I suggested?"

"Yep. We ate, talked, nothing else."

"Hrm," Ari mused. "Interesting."

"Maybe you need to take the initiative and chase him." Tok shrugged while holding a coat up in front of me. "Think of how exciting that would be."

I actually liked the colour of the jacket. I quickly removed the coat I'd been wearing and slipped into the jacket Tok had chosen. It fit right and was lined perfectly. I checked the price to see it was twenty percent off. "Me? Chase Wolf? I wouldn't know the first place to start."

"Well, you might want to Google it or something. Because the girls and guys around here are thirsty. Wolf won't stay on the market for long." Tok tilted his head to look at my jacket. "That's actually pretty nice."

"Tok, you did say you couldn't go to your parents' cabin on the weekend, right?" Ari asked.


"How about letting Mongkut use it for the weekend with Wolf?" Ari asked. "I mean, usually I wouldn't encourage this since he's with Prae but that girl doesn't have the sense the good lord gave her. I think you and Wolf need some time away to figure out what you are to each other. Then when you come back, break it off with Prae."

My heart hurt thinking about it. I knew it had to come. Even if I didn't work with Wolf, I couldn't be with Prae. I had no feelings whatsoever for her. We hadn't kissed or done anything intimate. The thought of her lips on mine didn't excite me.

"Call him right now," Tok pushed. "Ask."

Though my heart raced in my chest, I pulled out my phone and called Wolf.

"Chang Noi?" He asked. "This is a surprise."

"Are you busy?" I blushed.

"Not really. I was studying with Dae. What's wrong?"

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