The Fates are blind...

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I survived a week and spent most of it desperately trying to avoid Wolf. He'd taken to calling me Chang Noi, little elephant, and I didn't know why. A part of me liked it—that part loved the way his lips formed over the nickname, how his nose flared ever so slightly and the smirk to take the right corner of his lips.

When I was stuck in his car with him, I'd wanted to kiss that little bit of flesh at the side of his mouth, to see if he would—he would do what?

What did that even mean?

I'd never had the urge to do anything like that before.

A loud slam caught my attention and I swirled around. It was as though I had forgotten where I was. I sighed and turned once more to look at myself in the mirror in one of the men's room at the university.

A couple of guys entered, laughing and talking rather loudly. They slammed into their own stalls and I closed my eyes, trying to find some peace before I was forced to face my next class.

It didn't work.

Instead of trying again, I cupped my palms under the water, tapped my heated cheeks then turned off the tap. Once I dried my hands, I scooped up my bag and ran all the way to the lecture hall. My absentmindedness made he lose track of time and by the time I entered, the only seat remaining was between Tok and Wolf.

I hung my head and climbed the steps, shimmied through the other students and fell into the chair, keeping my eyes on my own things.

But I could feel Wolf staring at me, his eyes like the heated rays of the sun. For a moment, I closed my eyes, wondering if I was imagining what I was feeling. But the sensation drifted from my ear, all the way down to my neck, along my shoulder then back up my neck.

A shiver rushed down my spine, but I had no time to pull the feeling apart and examine it. The professor entered the room and the class started.

"You okay?" Tok asked.

"Fine." I told him. "Why?"

"You've been a little weird lately. I mean, you haven't even come to dance with us."

"Just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

Wolf shifted. His thigh brushed mine and an electric spark charged through my body. It made me want to cry. "Why didn't you save me a seat on the other side?" I leaned in to whisper to Tok.

"Because Ari wanted that seat. And it was the only way I knew of to save the seat. All the girls want to sit with Wolf."

Anger flared through me. The thought of anyone else wanting to be next to Wolf made my blood boil. I swallowed the lump in my throat and wiggled to get a little more comfortable, trying my best to touch Wolf.

Tok poked my shoulder with a finger. "You want to switch with me?"

"Can't now." I muttered. "He's going to think I'm running away from him."

"Um..." Tok leaned forward to peer at Wolf. "But you are running from him."

"That's not my point."

"Then I don't get it." Tok replied.

I paused to scribble some notes from the professor. Sleeping through my alarm didn't give me much time to grab my laptop. I'd have to type my notes when I arrived him at the end of the day.

"Don't worry about this." I told him.

Wolf shifted.

His thigh brushed my mine again.

The fire returned, surging down my spine.

I took a quick glance at him but didn't allow my gaze to stay.

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