The Last Goodbye

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The first two months of the new semester came to an end. During that time, our lives were remarkably different than the semester before. Aside from attending classes, I'd taken on dancing with Ari and Tok. They thought I was getting really good, but I was still not sure. Prae had been coming to all my rehearsals. Her presence threw me off but then Wolf began attending them and I focused on him.

We'd done two showcases and the girls came flocking to my side.

Wolf had marked his territory by kissing me in front of them. Then it went viral on the school's social messaging.

I was horrified.

Wolf was proud of himself.

I knew he didn't care about the girls—he knew Prae had been watching and he wanted to show her who I belonged to.

Wolf and I hunted for a condo for the both of us. The one we both loved was a little way from the university, but it overlooked the water and the grounds was beautiful and quiet. It was definitely worth the extra few minutes.

We spent time with our friends at a nearby restaurant and I couldn't feel anymore thankful. As I watched their faces, listened to their laughter, I was filled of joy.

Someone covered my eyes from behind.

"Guess who!" The familiar voice rang out.

I laughed. "Lala!" I cheered.

She released my face and I turned to shoot my feet and hug her. I twirled her around as she laughed until she snorted then set her back on her feet. Tes had arrived as well with Tar. I looked over at Wolf who watched us with a satisfied smirk on his lips.

"You knew!" I accused.

"Are you happy, Chang Noi?" He asked.

"Very happy." I kissed him. "Thank you."

I noticed after she hugged everyone, Lala went right over and sat beside Dae. She leaned into his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. I quirked a brow and looked over at Tes who nodded.

"Oh." I said. "Where are you guys staying?" I asked.

"I'm staying with P'Dae!" Lala said.

"And Tar and I are crashing with you." Tes told me. "You're okay with that?"

"More than." I told him. "We have plenty of space."

"We have some news." Lala told me. She reached into her purse for an envelop.

My hands shook as I accept it. There was no denying what was inside it. They'd already seen the results for the envelop was already open. I looked from Lala to Tes but neither of them was giving anything away. It slipped to the ground and Wolf picked it up and pulled the white paper out. He read it out loud to me and I just about fell over.

"You belong to us," Tes told me. "You are our brother."

Everyone around me cheered but all I could do was bury my face into Wolf's neck and cried.

"Oh, no!" Lala moaned. "Please don't cry! I'm sorry."

"No. They are happy tears." I sobbed harder. "I have a baby sister and a big brother."

The group laughed.

"Well, that's a weird way to show happiness." Dae groaned.

"This is good news—I haven't been able to find any trace of your mom." Tar announced. "But I'll keep looking."

I wiped my eyes and faced my friends. Lifting my glass, I offered them a smile until they did the same. "To the family who chose—to our very own tribe."

We all touched our glasses together.

The night came and we all dispersed to where we needed to be. At the condo, we sat around for a little bit then I excused myself to tell Pa the news. He was happy for me, even told me he loved me and blew me a kiss.

He was doing well in the new restaurant and he looked healthier. He also took on the job of checking in on Anurak, to help Tar out since Tar was now enrolled in the Communication program at the local university with a focus in photography.

Anurak was slipping slowly. At the moment, Wolf was merely waiting to hear from Pa to get on a plane.

Wolf eventually game into our bedroom right as I was walking out of the shower with nothing on but a towel. He smiled and took me in his arms. I dropped the towel I'd been using to dry my hair and looked up into his eyes. They flashed at me with mystery and cheekiness.

"You have to behave." I teased. "We have guests."

He grinned devilishly while easing be backward. "Then you'll have to be very quiet."

Wolf pushed me.

I yelped and landed on the bed.

"Shhhh." He shushed.

Pushing to my shoulder, I watched as he peeled his shirt from his body. He muscles were perfect. I exhaled, wondering how all of that could be mine.

Then his hands moved to his belt buckle and I held my breath.

Wolf took my hand and pulled me to sit up. He then lowered my fingers to the belt. "This is your gift, Chang Noi." His voice cracked. "I think you should unwrap it."

We made love. He touched me and took my body like he should. This time, it was different, hotter, wilder. He kissed my ears, my nipples the insides of my thighs. No part of me was off limits.

Wolf returned the same favour—giving me control to twist his body into anything I wanted. When our eyes met, I whimpered and chewed on my bottom lip, giving up everything to him and listening to the wild sounds he made because of me. I didn't think there would ever come a time when I wouldn't want to be mauled by this wolf.

He whispered his love to me with each pulse of his heart, with each roll of his hips. I returned my love, knowing this was the only man I'd ever give myself like this to.

No matter what was to come, we would face it together.

That night I dreamed of kissing. This time, I saw his face. This time I could hear the way his breath quickened like mine, with excited arousal. Our hearts beat the same unrestricted tune of love.

I dreamed of kissing my Wolf because, though, I may not have brought him luck, I did bring him love.

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