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It's been like most days, seeing Tae every so often for tea and coffee, working on music, not really seeing Mr.Boss but when I do I slightly mess around.

I wouldn't say I like the guy..... Ok. I wouldn't say I hate the guy but there isn't room for relationships in my heart.

It's just a toy I can play with and then he will leave. Happens all the time, we play, we get bored, they find someone else and I do the same.

I sigh leaning back in my chair stretching but then I hear a knock.

"Come in." The door opens and a small but proud voice beams "Hello Hyung." I look over to see Soobin and I just smile softly.

"Hey, what's up?" I point to the couch for him to sit and he bows and does so.

"Well I- um." I just chuckle in my head, these boys are the sweetest and really shy when it comes to their hyungs.

"I wanted advice on rapping and music." I just nod. "Why not get some help from Yeonjun?" He just scratches the back of his head.

"He's really busy and I don't wanna bother him, he's helping the others learn the dance." I nod again while thinking.

"Alright I'll help you, I started to get bored and need a break from work anyway."

For the next hour and a half, I spent it talking to Soobin and showing him different ways to figure out a tempo and beat for certain genres of music.

I can tell he learns quickly and that helps me out a lot.

"Ah, thank you hyung." I just smile "No problem, now get back to work." I playfully say as he jolts up and bows saying another thank you and leaving before bowing again.

Sweet kid, ah I miss being young. I'm not old but I'm far from his age. Seeing someone the age you were just makes you feel old because you see how happy and jumpy they are at that age and you notice how you yourself aren't that jumpy anymore.

I sigh as I think to myself. Soon my song will be published and I don't know how I feel about it. I hope people like it but at the same time it's a complete 180 from my other work.

Either way it's my music and my career, as long as one person likes it then I'm ok with it. It's meant for me to express myself, not to express others.

I play around with my equipment again when I get a call.


"Hello, Mr.Min?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Ah, hello. Well this Is dispatch and we would like to ask you about a photoshoot?"

I pause and wonder if Tae knows about this, I mean I'm only ever taking photos with Tae.

"Alright, continue."

"So we would like to hold a photoshoot in the future with another artist, they go by the name of Jhope."

My eyes widen, are they serious?! I can't handle a photoshoot with him, ughhh.

"We have noticed you both started working together and as two popular faces of the same industry,  if you both are in one of our photoshoots, it would be amazing."

"I will think about it, when is the date."

"We are thinking around maybe a month or less, if it comes down to less then a month we will contact you."

"Ok, I will think about it and contact you."

They just say thank you and end the call.

A photoshoot? With him, my boss, my coworker, an asshole, a jerk, a playboy, a handsome devil, a sexy man, a.....

Ok let's not. I kinda chuckle to myself when I realize this would be a great opportunity to show him that I won't submit to him.

I can tease him during the shoot all I like. I smile to myself before calling and telling Dispatch that I'll do it.

Oh this will be fun.

Authors note
Hey hey

Sorry this chapter is kinda like a filler.

Ah I'm so glad I finally found how I wanna do this book!! 💜💜

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