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"Ugh, so tired" I woke up to a massive a headache, Jesus this is not how I wanted to start today.

I grab the Advil on the side of my bed and take two pills with some water I had last night. I lay on my bed for about 20 minutes waiting for it to kick in before doing anything.

I sit up grabbing my phone and checking Instagram, nothing really new had happened, just the same old same old.

Tae is off at a shoot, Jungkook is trying to flirt with Tae but Tae doesn't notice. Jimin is posting about how he loves a certain cake he tried out and RM just released something new.

I sigh getting up to start my day of absolutely nothing. I head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Buzz buzz

"Huh?" I see my phone ringing as I grab it.


"Yes hello, is this Suga."

I shake my head and blink a bit
"Yes this is him?"

"Great, hi my name is Namjoon, I recently got in contact with someone who said you were looking into our company."

"Ok? Sorry I'm a bit out of it this morning."

"Right, the names RM, I'm here to tell you that In a week you will be able to come for an interview at the company."

I stay silent, did he really just say RM? And that I can join the company??

No no no Yoongi remember he said interview for the company. This could be your big break!

Going on tours, meeting fans, and passing that damn rapper.

Ok ok a bit to far but damn do I wanna become that famous.


"Right right sorry, Alright thank you, I believe I will be able to make it."

"Alright great! I will see you then."

Before I can say anything he hung up. I just stood there thinking, damn I really could make it big?

With my new found inspiration I decided to head to the studio.

1 hour passes

I'm stuck, I'm honestly stuck, I have no clue where to go. My manager told me I need to have some sort of love song in my new EP, happy or not, something about love.

I mean yea I have had love before and yes it went sour but I can't make a song from it, can I? UGHHH

I throw another crumbled paper on the floor as I try to think. The only thing I have down is the title. Something with pizzazz.


Yet I couldn't find anything to say about my first love, he was shit and I hate it.

I always went to music to comfort me from him, playing songs that were never mine, hearing tunes I can not make but help my sorrows inside myself.

I only ever showed anger in my work and honestly it wasn't working out. I still had a lot inside me I wanted to let out but didn't know how, other then anger.

I started to think a bit more, what if my "first love" wasn't a person at all but an object?

Would that still work, would I be able to still make it feel the same.

I decided to start writing and just like that my mind had words to fill a piece of paper.

After awhile I had my lyrics, so I decided to see how I'd like to flow by creating a beat of sort to see what best fits.

Before I knew it, my song was done, it was now 10 at night, it still had things that needed to be fixed and my voice needed to be recorded but it was about done.

I looked over at the clock one more time and started to pack my things up, tell I got a text.

Tae tae❤️

Hey, herd you got the interview!! Just letting you know we have a shoot tomorrow at 10 am. Love you💕💕

I mentally sigh and roll my eyes, why did I agree to do shoots with this man, I wanted to have free time tomorrow to finish up but never mind I guess.

I decided to text my manger instead of messaging Tae back.

Manager 🙄

I have the song almost
done but I have a shoot
I'm going to tomorrow
with Taehyung,
please be patient with
me at the moment.


"Alright, that's all I get??"
I sigh and walk over to my car to go home.

I head into my house and instantly lay on my bed. Today was tiring and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

I slowly felt darkness take over me and I fell asleep to a sound of a notification from my phone.

**Officialhope wants to send you a message**

Authors note:

How are you guys holding up in quarantine if In it.

I've been having a hectic sleep schedule, waking up at 3pm and sleeping at 6am.

Stay safe and wash your hands!! Love you💕

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