Author's Note

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Hey, everyone! This is my new fanfiction, Almost Broke! It's my first time posting one of my fanfictions on Wattpad and I'm so excited to share it with you.

Please know that all places described in this story are only based off of pictures I've seen and I have never been there, so if something seems off or unrealistic please don't judge as I tried to do some research.

If you don't like the idea of this story or where it ends up going, please keep those negative comments to yourself as it is really discouraging when each chapter takes at least two hours to write and edit.

All positive comments and feedback is welcome and I am really excited to see if you enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it!

I will try and update as often as I can, but being in school and after school activities, the only time I can really write is the weekend so please be patient.

All rights are to the author and sharing or copying of any of this story's content is forbidden and will lead to you being blocked/reported.

Again thank you guys so much for reading and please vote and comment throughout the process of this story so I can see if you are enjoying it!

Now I introduce to you, Almost Broken!

All the love possible,

Almost BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now