Speechless (Arthur X Reader)

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Y/N = Your First Name

L/N = Your Last Name

I sigh. Business is slow today. Spring has finally arrived, but people already did their spring stock-up a few days ago. I wish I could go outside. It looks warm and the sky is clear.

I decide to busy myself with organising shelves and doing a stock check. Might as well.

I'm about to start counting canned goods when the ring of a bell alerts me to a customer.

I look over to the door.

A fairly tall, blonde guy just walked in. He's wearing a blue shirt.

"Oh, hey there. What're you looking for?" I ask, walking back to behind the counter.

"Can I just look at your catalogue?" he asks. His voice is husky.

"Sure," I say. "I'll just be counting stuff. Let me know what you want, whenever you're ready,"

I head back over to the canned goods, count stuff, and write it down on the piece of paper that I don't have. Damn it. I walk back to the counter to fetch some paper and a pencil.

Seven cans of sweetcorn. Five of beans. I ought to bring some of those up from the cellar.

"Uh, Ma'am, I've got my list," the guy clears his throat.

"Ah, yeah, sorry. Give me a sec," I say, noting down the quantities and quickly going back over to the counter. "Alright, what do you need?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Okay, let's see... I need three cans of beans, two of salmon, an apple, and some snake oil," he says.

"Coming right up," I grin, and grab the stuff. "Fifteen dollars," I announce.

He nods and hands over the money and I notice how bright his eyes are.

Blue like the sky outside.

"Anything else?" I ask as he puts the stuff back in his satchel.

"No thanks, miss," he says.

I nod.

"Will you be staying long?" I ask, just to pass the time.

"Yeah, a few weeks, I suppose," he says.

"I guess I ought to introduce myself, then. Y/N, L/N," I say, offering my hand.

"Arthur Morgan," he smiles and shakes my hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Y/N,"


Two days later, I catch myself thinking about him.

Don't you dare, Y/N. You met him two days ago, for five minutes. You ain't that kind of girl.

But damn, he's beautiful.

I'm interrupted by my thoughts by someone walking in. Speak of the devil.

Arthur Morgan.

"Hello there, Miss L/N," Arthur says, sauntering over to the counter.

"Hey, Mr Morgan," I reply in the same tone.

"Please. Call me Arthur," he says.

"Alright then," I say. "So, how can I help you, Arthur?" I smile a bit.

He shakes his head, but amusement is in his eyes.

"I need some candy," he says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Surely a rough and tough guy like you doesn't eat candy every day?"

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