Van der Linde Gang & Teenage Daughter

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Requested By: Millzy04. 

I'M BACK! Honestly, I'm so excited to be writing again, I really missed it but I'm back now so yay!

-You know how I said in the John one that the rest of the gang would tell him to lighten up a little?

Yeah, that's not gonna happen if you're adopted by everyone. Everyone's protective of you and you can't leave camp without somebody else, which you kind of appreciate the sentiment of, but in practice? Nope.

-So, naturally, you memorized the schedule of who was on guard and when so you could sneak out.

-You've got a gun and can shoot so you knew you can handle being out of camp... until you see two men with a woman that looks decidedly uncomfortable. You try and peacefully get rid of them, but it DOES NOT work and you end up going back to camp with a black eye.

-Everyone was mad that you snuck out and you were grounded for a month, but were actually proud of your intentions and the fact that you did save that woman, so they ended up relenting and letting you leave camp after two weeks.

-In fact, they actually let you leave alone so long as you were back before dark.

-Of course, you'll end up having many skills if you're raised with the gang. They want you to be as prepared for life as possible. So you're at least decent at everything the gang has to offer... apart from robberies.

-There is NO WAY ON EARTH you are EVER going to be allowed to go on a robbery. Ever.

-You become very perceptive at spotting when people are lying. After all, you've been taught how to talk your way out of anything!

-Javier gets so proud whenever you play the guitar. Even if you think you did badly, he'll always say you did great.

-Everyone teases John about how he can't swim, but you can.

-After Blackwater, everyone told you it was fine. You knew it wasn't, but you appreciated the thought.

-You sometimes end up arguing with everyone because you want more freedoms. You do eventually get them, like being allowed to go out alone.

-They really don't want you to end up like them. So even if you want to, robberies are off-limits.

-You even pick up how to care for kids because of Jack.

-Sometimes you'll put Jack to bed to give Abigail a night off. You always play him a little lullaby on the guitar.

-Whenever you come home injured, everyone fusses over you and tells you that you should've been more careful.

-One time when you're out you get ambushed by O'Driscolls not far from camp and kill every last one. Arthur came to investigate and found you looting the bodies and was pretty proud.

-"You alright, kid?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. They're not, though,"

-He patted you on the shoulder and you rode the short distance back to camp together.

-Everyone was just glad you were okay.

-Also, that was your first gunfight, and first kills. They're slightly worried that this might become normal.

-You assure them that it won't be but ask if you can come on robberies anyway.

-They say no, obviously.

-When it's Christmas, everyone pitches in to get you and Jack something each. Usually it's something small but you really appreciate it anyway. There's not a lot of scope for presents, but one year they got you a silver necklace and you wear it every day.

-It makes them smile to see you wearing it.

-They don't want you to grow up, but they can see it happening before their eyes.

-They just want you to grow up into a good-hearted and capable woman.

-And they will stop at nothing to make sure that happens.


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