Flowers (Micah X Reader)

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Requested by: rico1123

This one was (randomly) hard to write so I'm sorry it's a bit short. I hope you enjoy it either way, though!

It began three weeks ago, when flowers began to appear next to your bed every few days. Sometimes it'd be one flower, sometimes it'd be three or more.

But you don't know who's leaving them.

"More flowers, huh," Karen remarks as you scoop up water in a vase.

"Yeah," you nod.

"You ever wonder who's leaving them?" she asks.

"Sometimes," you say, heading back to your tent.

"Well, I hope for your sake it ain't Micah," Karen says.

"Mmm," you say, non-committally.

"Miss Jones, get to work!" Miss Grimshaw yells before Karen can say anything.

Karen sighs and goes back to the work, leaving you to walk back to your tent.

'What's up with her, hoping it isn't Micah?' you think. 'I'm kind of hoping it is'

You place the flowers in the vase, arranging them until they look really nice. You smile at them, then head out of your tent to begin your chores.


News spreads fast.

Micah's in jail.

When you hear, it feels like a knife twists in your stomach.

"I'll go get him," you approach Arthur.

"Huh?" Arthur looks up.

"I'll go get him with you. If you want," you say.

"Why the hell do you want to go rescue Micah? I sure as hell don't," Arthur asks.

You roll your eyes. "Exactly. You ain't gonna put enough effort in. If he gets killed when you're rescuing him... you ain't exactly gonna care,"

"I wouldn't say that's true... at least, not in front of Dutch," Arthur laughs slightly. "Sure, you can come. He'd probably appreciate someone wanting him to be rescued, aside from Dutch, of course,"

"I reckon Micah has more allies than he thinks. I ain't sure, though," you remark as you walk away.


"Oh, Arthur, how glad am I to see you," Micah says sarcastically.

"Look, Micah. You're the one in jail. I'd be nice if I was you," Arthur remarks.

"Just get me out of here, cowpoke," Micah mutters.

"Alright, alright. Y/N, come help me over here," Arthur says.

You nod and walk over.

"Oh, Y/N, what a... surprise," Micah says, suddenly becoming flustered. "I, uh, didn't expect you to be here,"

"I asked to come," you shrug.


"I gotta get my guns!" Micah yells as he shoots.

You're shooting up a whole damn town for some guns.

You're not gonna lie, though.

You admire his determination.

You watch him, when you can. You watch him shoot.

How he lines up every shot.

It makes your heart beat faster.

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