Smile (Javier X Reader)

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Requested by: W0LFAM0NGUS

I really hope you like it!

(the title is fairly awful but I couldn't think of anything)


"Hey, Y/N," Javier says, sitting down at the table.

"Oh, hey, Javier," you say, looking up from your stew.

"Once you've finished that... want a game of five finger fillet?" he asks.

"Sure," you say, quickly finishing the stew.

He laughs. "You really want to play, huh,"

"It's my favourite game," you reply, getting your knife out. "But I'll let you go first,"

"So you want to realise that you can't win before you even try? Be my guest," Javier smirks.

It makes your heart skip a beat.

Even if you've been dating for just under a year.

"Like I'll lose," you grin, despite the minor knock to your confidence mere seconds ago.

Javier gets five laps.

"Beat that," he says, slamming the knife back into the table.

"Oh, I don't doubt that I will," you say.

You get seven laps.

"I'll win this round," Javier says. "I let you win the last one,"

"Like hell you did. You only get four or five when you play Arthur," you retort.

He doesn't respond, just starts playing.


"I win again," you say.

"I'll play again," Javier says. The buy-in is 80 cents.

"Me too. I'll be walking away with five dollars at this rate," you grin.

He rolls his eyes. "You don't have to rub it in,"

"You don't have to keep playing," you retort. "But you do. So how about we raise the stakes?"

"Oh?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Jump in the river," you say.

"But it's cold!" Javier says.

"That's the point!" you laugh. "Look, if you win, I jump in the river and I never mention this again. I'll say you let me win up until this point,"

"Okay," he reluctantly agrees, and you grin.


"Oh, and that is a spectacular win to me!" you yell.

You had eight laps, Javier only six.

"Oh no," Javier says, wearily, but there's a glint in his eye.

He gets up slowly, then sprints off... away from the river.

"Hey! Get back here!" you call, running after him.

He's faster than you, though.

"I'll lasso you if you don't get back here, Javier!" you yell.

"Okay, okay, fine, Y/N," he stops and raises his hands. You catch up to him and smile. "Can't believe you're happy at my suffering," he mutters.

"You ain't suffering. You're in my presence," you say, grinning.

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