Beautiful (Charles X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995. It's a bit short, but I hope you like it! It's not *exactly* the request (no hiding) but I tried so yeah I just hope you like it. This is the first request I've ever written, so I'm just a *tiny bit* nervous about publishing this (IDK why). Enjoy! 

The sun streams through the window as you survey the four cards on the table and the two in your hand. You've got two pair, tens and twos. But you think that the current dealer has aces and queens or something similar.

You call the bet of twelve cents, hoping against hope that you'll win. The last card falls to the table.

A ten of hearts.

That gives you a full house.

You decide to go all-in because you should be heading home soon, and this should be a guaranteed win. Hopefully.

Two people fold, leaving you and the dealer.

He reveals his cards triumphantly.

"Two pair, aces and kings. Beat that," he grins.

Your face breaks out into a smile as you reveal your cards. "Full house. Better luck next time," you grab your winnings.

"Damn," he mutters.

You get up. "Alright, I should go,"

As soon as you leave the table, you revert back to your usual, shy self.

You're always acting when you play poker. You don't normally speak to strangers, save shop clerks and bartenders.

"A beer, please," you murmur, leaning against the bar.

"Coming right up," the bartender says.

He gives you the beer and you take a sip and survey the room. There are two noisy couples taking shots.

Ah, Anastasia and Rose. They're flirting with two strangers you haven't seen before.

Anastasia and Rose just want to be paid so they laugh and drink and laugh some more, batting eyelashes and making jokes.

You try not to notice that the guy Rose is flirting with is really good-looking.

Somebody else strolls into the saloon.

"Oh, Arthur! Hey, Arthur, I want you to meet our friends," one of the men says to the new arrival in a Spanish accent. The stranger brings Arthur over to the women.

"Pleased to meet you," Arthur says.

"Well ain't you just a tough as teak mountain man?" Anastasia says.

Ah yes, tossing men aside if she meets someone richer. I know her type.

"Oh, you be quiet, Anastasia," Rose says. "Anybody can tell this one is a pussycat,"

"Yes, he is a pussy... cat," the Spanish-accented stranger says.

"How much you cost, anyway?" Arthur says.

You almost choke on your beer.

You bite your lip and try to suppress a smile.

"Well, ain't that a nice way to talk to a lady," Anastasia says.

You can see her ego is hurt.

But this Arthur guy had better come up with an awesome retort because that would make today seven times better.

"Oh, I didn't know I was talking to a lady," Arthur says.

You stifle a laugh and end up half coughing, half laughing as Anastasia and Rose storm past you.

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