All That Matters (Arthur X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995

You glance over at Arthur. He's journaling. He looks up and sees you staring, and your eyes go back to your stew. You can feel his eyes watching you as you eat a spoonful nonchalantly. But it's an act; your heart is beating fast and you're hoping that you're not blushing.

You don't know when your relationship changed. One day you just realised that it had.

The thing is, you grew up around Arthur. You were close. You still are close, but you're trying not to make things awkward, and he genuinely seems confused by why you keep looking at him.

But Dutch, your father, isn't on board with you dating. Even if you're 21, he doesn't like you dating anyone, so you hardly have. He does let you date, but he just doesn't seem happy with you dating either way.

And dating Arthur would be different because he's in the gang. He's known you for all your life, more or less. He watched you grow up. You don't know why you're feeling this way.

And you don't think Arthur feels the same, anyway. So you generally just push the feelings aside and get on with your life. There's no point wasting time on something that can't and won't happen.

"Y/N," Arthur walks over, shocking you out of your thoughts.

"Oh, hey, Arthur," you fight to keep your voice calm.

"You wanna come into town with me?" Arthur asks.

Your heart leaps. Like a date?

"I got some supplies to buy," Arthur finishes.

Your heart falls a little. But it's still time with him, which you're grateful for.

"Sure," you say, finishing the stew and getting up.

You stroll over to your horse and mount up. "So, what supplies are we getting'?" you ask.

"Oh... I don't know," Arthur says, as you ride out together. "Food, probably. I just wanted to talk to you. We ain't talked properly in a while,"

Your heart glows a little, even though you know it's probably he's just being friendly.

"We've been busy," you say.

Arthur nods. "Yeah. Especially since we moved out here,"

"You like this place?" you ask.

"Sure. It's alright. I preferred Tumbleweed, though," he answers.

"Yeah. I liked Tumbleweed, too. Just a little rough around the edges. My favourite kind of town," you say, not fully finishing the statement. And kind of person. "Staying wild. Staying free," is what you say instead, although you could just be talking about you or Arthur or anybody you know.

"Blackwater ain't... it's society. I don't like the..." Arthur tails off, struggling to find the words. "It's too rigid. Built-up. They don't wanna stay free no more,"

You nod.

"When I get older, go straight, settle down, whatever, I'm gonna get a ranch or something. Have my own patch of land but still live free enough, you know?" you say.

"Yeah. I'd kind of like that. Course, first I gotta find a woman who'd marry me," Arthur says, looking at the ground.

A ranch catches your eye.

"Hey. Just for the hell of it, let's go take a look," you say.

Arthur looks up at the ranch. "Sure. What if they ain't accepting degenerates today, though?" he says with a twinkle in his eye. "I suppose they look plenty rich,"

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