I Thought You'd Never Ask (Kieran X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995. Sorry this took a while, but I haven't been able to write this weekend. Still, I hope you enjoy it!

"Miss," a whisper drifts over to you through the darkness.

You look up, alert.

"Miss?" you hear the voice again.

And then you place it.


The O'Driscoll.

Or, as he puts it, not an O'Driscoll.

He's been tied to a tree for the last however long.

And he's been starved all the time he's been tied to that tree.

"Miss," Kieran says again.

You reluctantly walk over.

"What?" you ask.

"Please, Miss, some food?" Kieran asks.

You sigh.

Part of you wants to give him food, part of you doesn't.

He's an O'Driscoll, even if he denies that he ever wanted to be around them.

Therefore, he's your enemy and you should not, under any circumstance, give him any food.

And yet. Your conscience tells you differently.

He denies that he ever wanted to ride with them, so he's not that bad! He never did anything wrong, at least, not towards any of you. He's a wrong place, wrong time kind of guy.

You sigh again as you grab a tiny portion of stew.

"Okay, okay," you say, walking over to him.

"Thank you, Miss!" Kieran says, a smile lighting up his face.

"Shh," you say, spoon-feeding him the stew until the bowl is empty.

"Thank you, Miss," Kieran repeats.

"It's nothing. Just... don't mention this," you say. "And it's Y/N,"

"Alright, Miss... Y/N," he corrects himself.

You walk away, lost in thought.

It's good that he picked 3am. And it's lucky that nobody's awake apart from you.

Because you don't want to mess up your reputation just yet.

You've not been in the gang long. You're newer here than Charles.

You joined just before Blackwater.

So you've been treading carefully, not wanting to overstay your welcome.

Even if they all said you could stay for a while.

You kind of empathise with Kieran, though. He's not accepted yet.

Although you are accepted by now, people aren't so comfortable with you. They're nice but you're not close yet.

Yet, the thing is, you really, really, really don't want to be kicked out.

Because you'd miss them.

It's a good thing, this gang. And you don't want to lose it.


You're sat reading a book when you hear Kieran talking.

You look up. He doesn't talk often.

And, to be honest, you like the sound of his voice. You've grown closer since you've been sneaking him some food every now and then.

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