Couldn't Be Happier (Sean X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995

This is kind of bad :/ Sean isn't the easiest for me to write (but he's a lot easier to write than Micah, so there's that) but anyway, I tried and I hope you enjoy it!

"Y/N, just the girl I wanted to see," Sean strolls over.

You roll your eyes. "What did you do this time?"

"Nothin! I just wanted to ask ya to come into town with me, is that so bad?" Sean asks, grinning.

"What?" you ask, taken aback.

You're torn between wanting him to mean a date and not wanting him to mean a date.

"Micah, Bill and Arthur are comin' on a job with me. I thought you might wanna come," he says.

No date, huh.

"Sure, why not. When're you leaving?" you ask.

"Right about now," Sean says.

You and Sean walk to the horses.

"Bill and Micah must've already left," you say.

"Ah, I bet they'll be mad we're late," Sean says as you mount up. "Tell you what, I'll race ya,"

He grins and before you can say a word, he's off.

"Damn it!" you yell, smiling and sending your horse into full gallop.


"So, what's the prize for the winner?" you ask, patting your horse and waiting for Sean to dismount.

"A kiss from me," Sean dismounts and you're suddenly fairly close.

A second passes before you roll your eyes and laugh a little. "I don't need a prize. I'll just take the glory of winning,"

You saunter over to Bill and Micah and lean against the wall. Sean follows you and leans against the same wall, just around the corner.

You swear his hand brushes yours several times as you wait for Arthur to arrive.

You don't know what it is. You keep pushing him away, playing hard to get, but it's obvious that he likes you.

You just don't want to get your heart broken. You aren't sure how much he likes you.

Arthur arrives, pulling you out of your train of thought.

"We've been waiting for you, Arthur," Micah says.

"Well, I'm sorry to have kept you," Arthur responds.

You smile slightly at the way he says it.

But then you see Sean and you could swear a shadow crosses his face.

You five start walking down the main street of Rhodes.

But something doesn't feel right.

You ignore what Micah and Arthur are saying and look around the town.

Unease creeps up your spine and you could swear everyone's watching you.

Dread settles in the pit of your stomach.

Something's wrong. Very, very wrong.

You fall into step behind Sean.

Your gut tells you it's got something to do with him.

Your heartbeat increases.

"Hey, hold up. This don't feel right," Arthur says.

Sean continues walking.

You grab his sleeve and he turns around.

"Now it don't feel right?" Sean says.

Your heartbeat quickens once again.

Everything's screaming at you to grab him. Move him. Anything.

Your eyes are scanning the entire town.

Even if this fear is irrational, you know you have to do something.

"I could'a told you tha-" Sean's cut off by you pulling him sharply towards you.

You don't remember consciously doing it.

You just know that he's on top of you, holding himself up, and a bullet hits the ground near where he was.

You somehow know that that bullet would have hit him. Maybe even killed him.

All hell breaks loose, and Sean climbs off you and scrambles into cover.

You follow.

"Sorry about that," you mutter as you shoot.

"Don't worry about it. You can be under me any day," he winks.

You blush slightly.

"You're a bad man, Sean MacGuire," you say.

"But ya love me really," Sean says.

You almost blurt out a 'yes'. But you don't.

Instead you shoot until all the Grays are dead.

After the fight is done and everyone goes their separate ways, you somehow end up riding with Sean. You ride in silence until he speaks.

"Thank you. Really. For savin' me," he says.

It's almost strained.

It makes you take action.

"Sean. Do me a favour," you say.

He looks up.

"Dismount. We need to talk,"

He dismounts, as do you.

You walk over to a secluded spot. He follows.

"Are you- I mean, do you..." confidence and words fail you.

You take a deep breath and look Sean right in the eyes.

"Do you love me, Sean?" you ask.

His eyes search yours.

And then he sighs.

"Yeah, I do. I know ya don't love me back, though. I bet ya just see me as an annoyin' little brother," he says.

You do something you don't expect yourself to do.

You laugh.

"Damn, I really have been holding back," you don't even say it to him, or anyone in particular, but he looks up anyway.

"You what?"

"I've been holding back, Sean," you step closer.

"So... you love me?" he asks, wonder lighting up his face.

"Yes!" you smile.

His hand caresses your cheek.

"You love me," he breathes.

You stay like that for a minute or so.

And then he plucks up the courage to kiss you.

It's a passionate yet sweet kiss.

Sean manages to toe the line perfectly.

And you love it.

Your arms are round his neck and his hands are on your waist.

You kiss for several minutes, making up for all those you've withheld over the past seven months.

And then somebody comes along, and you stop kissing to see who it is.

It's Arthur. No big deal.

"What the hell?" Arthur asks.

You and Sean resume kissing and don't give Arthur a response.

You're caught up within each other.

And you couldn't be happier.


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