Away From The Party - Part Two (Charles X Reader)

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Requested By: jackmasrton

You awaken to sunlight filtering through the windows and directly onto your eyes. "Damn," you whisper, squinting because the lights hurt your eyes. You rub your pounding head.

I guess I drank too much yesterday, but I don't remember drinking that much.

Your cheeks flush as you remember the party and what followed. Still, you can't help but smile.

You roll over and move closer to Charles, who's still asleep.

You listen to him breathe and try to breathe in sync with him but end up breathing manually and not feeling like you're breathing right, so you give up and just listen and enjoy the quiet.

You end up falling asleep again, relaxed by the presence of Charles and the rhythm of his breath.


You wake up a couple of hours later to find Charles watching you sleep. He smiles as soon as you open your eyes.

"Hey," he murmurs.

"Hey," you respond with a yawn.

Charles' smile grows wider as you yawn.

"What?" you ask.

"Nothing. You just look really cute when you yawn," he says.

You drop your gaze from his and smile.

Charles kisses you on the forehead. "Come on. We should get up."

"I don't want to," you mutter, smiling.

"It's past midday. They'll be wondering where we are," Charles says, pulling on a shirt.

"Alright," you agree, reluctantly.

Charles smiles.


You ride back to Horseshoe Overlook together. The light hurts your eyes but having Charles nearby makes your heart glow. You can barely take your eyes off him. He catches you staring, meets your eyes, and grins.

"What?" you ask.

"Nothing," he shakes his head and smiles.

"Seriously. What's that smile for?" you ask, a smile already tugging at the corners of your lips.

Everything he does makes you happy and you don't know why.

"You choose to look at me," Charles says. "Not the view, not the road, not the sky, me." He seems astounded by the realisation.

"Charles... you are the view," you grin. "And, as an added bonus, you don't hurt my eyes, either."

"Thank you," Charles says, quietly.

"It's true," you say, simply.

And it is.


"Ah, Charles, Y/N, you're back," Javier says. "Did you have fun?" he raises an eyebrow with a grin.

"Oh, shut up, Javier," you say, looking away so he doesn't see you blush.

He laughs as you and Charles ride past.

You dismount and hitch your horse. Arthur comes over.

"Y/N, Miss Grimshaw was looking all over for you. Where the hell have you been all day?" he asks.

You pause and Arthur sees Charles.

"You know what, don't answer that. Just go find her," Arthur walks away.

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