*Please Read*

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Hi :D

So this feels ominous but I promise it's not (super) bad.

Basically, school stuff has been harder as of late + I've got assignments that have  ~totally destroyed~ most of my creativity + ability to write so the requests may not be up for another week or so :/

I'm really sorry + kind of sad because I love writing the requests, it's really fun, but I just really *cannot* right now for some ANNOYING REASON I MEAN COME ON EDUCATION SYSTEM WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS-

Anyway, yeah. I'm sorry. I'll try to get them up ASAP but I can't tell you exactly when. I'm loathe to disappoint you but I don't want to put out trash.

Thank you for reading this and I hope to be back to normal soon!

- Ink-Rose 

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