John & Teenage Daughter

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John Marston with a teenage daughter :D

Requested by: Millzy04. I hope you like it!

-O V E R P R O T E C T I V E

-"NO you cannot date, Y/N. You're far too young!"

"I'm 15!"

"And? You're not dating, and that's final,"

-Made sure that you know how to swim, even if he can't.

-Always cheering you on :D

-If you get into a fight, he'd be a little bit mad but also kind of proud if you won. If you didn't, whoever you got into the fight with is going to regret fighting really soon...

-Kind of hopeless at this but does his best.

-Learns how to do your hair.

-He's not super affectionate but when you're sad you BET he'll be hugging you + stroking your hair.

-Spent hours teaching you how to read and write. And I mean HOURS.

-When he gets mad he swiftly apologises and is really, really sorry.

-You know he cares about you, but he just doesn't really know how to show it.

-WILL NOT let you go into town alone

-Even if you took someone with you he's NOT OKAY with that

-He also doesn't let you go on jobs because he doesn't want you to get hurt

-Makes sure you can shoot well either way because you have to be able to defend yourself.

-Got you a horse for a birthday surprise

-You hugged him and squealed and he froze for a second before hugging you back because did I mention that he has no idea what he's doing??? At all???

-Then he laughed awkwardly and was just like "I'm really glad you like it,"

-If anybody flirts with you they're basically dead. Seriously. You won't be dating until you're 18, though he'd try and stop you dating for your entire life even if he knows that won't happen.

-Tries to get you as many skills as possible; he gets Javier to teach you some guitar and some Spanish, he gets Charles to teach you how to make things from stuff you find in the wilderness, he gets Dutch to teach you how to make plans, Arthur to teach you how to draw, Hosea to teach you how to write neatly... you get the idea!

-Even if there's beer around camp, you're NOT DRINKING because you're a CHILD in his eyes.

-He's only so overprotective because he doesn't want you to end up like him.

-When he got hurt in the mountains, he assured you it wasn't that bad.

-He always pretends nothing hurts around you because he wants to stay strong for you.

-Eventually he'd lighten up a little after everyone in the gang told him that you should be allowed to have some independence.

-He just tries his best, genuinely. He usually means well but sometimes doesn't go about things the right way.

I hope you liked this! It's not exactly a story but this is probably going to give me some ideas FOR stories with John later on :D


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