Señorita (Javier X Reader)

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Dedicated to: imhisknife. I really hope this is good!

Also, my Spanish MAY be incorrect so I apologise to everyone in advance. It's done in Google Translate so it's probably not perfect. Translations will be provided!

You hear a rustling in the bushes behind you and your heart momentarily stops. You quietly turn around and point your gun at where the noises came from.

There's nothing there. No more noises.

You decide to sneak closer.

Still nothing.



You get to the bushes themselves. There's nothing in them. You stand up and look around.

Still nothing.

You furrow your brow in confusion.

What the hell-

Your thought turns into a squeak as you feel something on your shoulder.

You whip around and try to hit whatever it was with your gun.

"Boo," Javier says, laughing.

"Javier! You scared me! What the hell are you doing here?" you say. Your heart has slowed down but you're blushing.

"I came to find you. Nobody had seen you for a while and we were worried," he says.

"Why did you-" you say.

"I thought it was funny, señorita. I didn't mean any harm by it," his tone softens.

"It's fine," you reply with a half-laugh. "It was kind of funny."

He smiles. "You wanna come back to camp? We've missed you."

"Sure," you return his smile and call your horse.


"Hola señorita," Javier walks over.

"Hey," you smile.

"You wanna come fishing?" he asks. "I've heard about this huge fish, a Lake Sturgeon. I thought it would be good to catch."

"Sure," you say, walking with him to your horses.

You've been close to him all the time he's been in the gang. You speak a little Spanish, so you spent a lot of time with him teaching him English. After that, you remained friends and you're always each other's first choice to go on robberies with. People used to tease you about being in love, but you both brushed it off. He had his heart broken by a girl in Mexico. You remember when he told you about what happened back there. It was a few months after he joined the gang.

"Hola, Javier. Como estas?" you asked. Javier was sat alone with a bottle of whiskey. He was staring off into the distance with a despondent expression.

"Muy bien," he said glumly.

"Eso es una mentira," you sat down next to him. "Como estas?"

"Honestamente? Terrible. Muy terrible. Extraño México. Extraño a mi familia. Incluso extraño a Elena," he said.

"Quien es Elena?" you asked.

Javier laughed bitterly. "Una mujer muy hermosa. Y yo pensé generoso y una persona muy bien. Sus ojos eran como estrellas. La amaba. Ella dijo que me amaba. Ella mintió," he paused. "Maté a un hombre por ella. Ella me traiciono. Tuve que correr y dejar a todos los que amo."

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