Home (Charles X Reader)

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S/N = Son's name (I KNOW I KNOW it probably should have been kid's name but I feel like you'd have a son first with Charles. not sure why. but if you had one kid with Charles, IT WOULD BE A SON I SWEAR. so yeah)

Requested by: HeatherB1995, my main requester. I really appreciate you (without meaning to sound weird).

"Y/N," Arthur says. You look up.

"Where's Charles?" you ask as you realise he hasn't returned.

"He's alright. Don't worry," Arthur continues in a husky voice. "But you gotta get packin'," his voice goes lower.

"What?" you ask.

"Charles is waiting for ya," he murmurs, walking you over to your tent.

"I- why? I'm so confused..." you say. Your eyes flit around camp.

"This whole thing is done. I'm trying to help you get outta here," Arthur says.

"But-" you say.

"But nothin'. Y/N, the faster you go the better," Arthur says firmly.

You nod slowly. "Alright,"

Arthur smiles. "Good. I'll help you escape later,"

He walks away and you head inside your tent.

You can't pack too much. You can't make it too obvious that you're leaving.

But you know you won't be back.


"Alright. You ready?" Arthur asks.

You nod and grab your bag.

"Shifts change over soon," Arthur murmurs.

You get up and take one last look at your tent, then take a deep breath and leave.

You mount up.

"Goodbye, Arthur. Thank you," you say.

Although you know that what you've just said isn't just a 'see you later' and 'thank you for helping me'.

It's a final goodbye.

"Goodbye, Y/N," Arthur says. "You and Charles had better settle down now, you hear? Make a decent life for yourselves,"

You nod and the tears come out of nowhere.

"Don't you start getting tearful, Y/N. We ain't worth your tears," Arthur says.

You nod and ride off.


You ride up to Wapiti. It's filled with busy people. You're hoping that Charles is still here.

You attract a lot of attention. Wide eyes and hushed voices.

You dismount and search the reservation.

"Charles?" you call, growing fearful when he doesn't respond. "Charles?"

What if I've come to the wrong place?

And then you see him, and your worries melt away.

"Charles," you murmur as you walk towards him.

He sees you and hurries towards you.

"Y/N. Are you alright?" he asks.

You nod, even if tears are still swimming in your eyes.

He sighs with relief and hugs you.

It's a long hug and he strokes your hair.

You cry a little but it's okay because you're with him and you feel so safe.

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