A Good Heart - Part Two (Eagle Flies X Reader)

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Trigger Warning: Domestic violence/violence towards the reader

Requested by: HeatherB1995. I hope you enjoy!

"I can't believe you're dating him! And in secret, no less," F/N says. "Ah, a forbidden romance..." she gets a dreamy look in her eye.

"Oh, shush," you say, blushing, even though you and Eagle Flies have been dating for three months now.

"Is that him, over there?" F/N points to a group of four men.

She's right. Eagle Flies is there with Rains Fall and two other men. One with sandy hair and one with brown.

You recognise the man with brown hair; it's Evelyn Miller, the writer.

Your parents know him. He's a family friend.

Unfortunately, he sees you.

"Ah, Miss L/N! Miss F/L/N! How wonderful to see you," Evelyn Miller says.

You and F/N walk over.

"Good morning, Mr Miller," you say.

"Miss L/N, Miss F/L/N, I must introduce you to my friends," Evelyn Miller says.

Oh no.

You have to pretend that you don't know Eagle Flies or Rains Fall.

"This is Arthur," Evelyn Miller gestures to the sandy-haired man.

You nod, shaking his hand. "I'm Y/N. It's a pleasure,"

F/N follows suit.

"This is Eagle Flies and Rains Fall," Evelyn Miller says.

"A pleasure," you say, shaking Rains Fall's hand.

Now for Eagle Flies.

Please don't be awkward, please don't be awkward...

"A pleasure to meet you," you murmur, not meeting Eagle Flies' eyes.

Your mind is whirring. Any familiarity would doom you.

Your parents might cast you out, they may harm Eagle Flies, you don't know.

Something very bad would happen.

So you hope against hope that you didn't come across too strangely.

"Well, I'm afraid we've got business to attend to," F/N says.

"Yes," you say. "It was a great pleasure to meet you all, I hope to see you soon,"

Eagle Flies catches your eye as you say that.

You pretend not to notice.

You and F/N just walk away.

"How awkward was I?" you ask when you're a safe distance away.

"I think you were okay," F/N says. "But something was off. Miller was oblivious, but I'm not sure about Arthur,"

"Well... I don't think Arthur knows us," you say, sounding unsure.

"It doesn't matter. You did fine," F/N reassures you.

She understands the situation now.

"So, when are you seeing Eagle Flies next?" F/N asks.

"Uh... tomorrow, I think," you say.

"Oooh, exciting!" F/N says.

You roll your eyes and smile.

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