Sunset (Arthur X Male Reader)

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Requested by: colton_the_gay

I hope it's okay!

"Good morning, Arthur," you say, sipping your coffee and trying to stay normal.

"Mornin', Y/N. How are you?" he asks you, pouring himself a coffee.

"Oh... I'm fine. What about you?" you reply.

"I'm alright. Got a meeting with some O'Driscolls later," Arthur says.

You must look surprised because Arthur explains further. "Dutch reckons we can make peace with them."

"What do you think, though?" you ask.

He shrugs and takes a sip of coffee.

"I don't know. I guess I just think that we've done too much to each other, y'know?" he says.

You nod. "Yeah. I've been around long enough to figure that out."

He grins slightly. "Long enough to figure it out? You've been here for four years!"

You drop your gaze from his with a smile. "Yeah. Well, as I'm sure you know, I ain't always the brightest."

"Hell, you're smarter than me, Y/N. If you don't reckon you're smart..." Arthur says.

"Yeah, I reckon it's the other way around," you say.

"Don't flatter me, Y/N. We all know the truth."

"Exactly. That's why it's not flattery."

He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. It makes your heart skip a beat. His little mannerisms always do that to you.

"Ah, you're too smart for me, Y/N."

"I thought we just discussed this. It's the other way around," you laugh slightly.

"You know what I mean," Arthur says.


Arthur hasn't been seen for days and you miss him.

Everyone does, but you get the impression that you miss him in a different way to the others.

Ever since you joined the gang four years ago, Arthur always stood out to you. It was just something about him.

Now, of course, you've figured out why. But you're afraid the others won't accept you. You're afraid that Arthur will hate you, view you as a freak.

So you keep your feelings to yourself because you don't want to lose them. Especially Arthur.

You shudder at the thought of what he's going through right now. You hope he's alright, even though you know in your heart that he's not.

You miss his eyes, you miss his smile, his laugh. You miss his comebacks to insults, not that you ever insulted him, you miss his stunned reactions to people calling him smart and complimenting him, which you do all the time.

You always make sure he realises how smart he is. You don't ever tell him how handsome he is, though. You think it'd make your feelings too obvious.

You miss his presence. You miss him, in his essence. And you feel empty without him.


You return from a hunting trip that was supposed to be a distraction and see Arthur's horse.

Your heart falls. What happened?

You quickly put the deer carcass you hunted on Pearson's table and hurry over to Arthur's tent.

Miss Grimshaw is sat with Arthur, who's in bed.

He looks awful.

"What happened?" you breathe.

"I'm not so sure, Mr Y/N," Miss Grimshaw says. "Would you sit with him a while? I've still got chores that need doing."

You nod, barely registering the second sentence.

You and Miss Grimshaw swap places and you watch Arthur for hours until he eventually stirs.

"Y/N?" he asks, confused.

"Shhh," you say. "You should keep resting."

"Okay," Arthur breathes. "So long as..."

You lean closer to hear what he murmurs because his voice gets quieter.


"So long as you stay."

"I will. As long as you need, Arthur."


A while later and Arthur is more or less okay, but you don't want to let Arthur leave camp alone. His arm isn't back to normal yet. So you accompany him on a hunting trip.

"Whose idea was this, anyway?" Arthur asks as you ride alongside him.

"Mine," you admit.

"I don't need a chaperone," Arthur says. "But either way, I'm glad it's you."

"Thank you, Arthur," you smile slightly.

As you've watched him recover and spent more time with him than ever, you've just fallen deeper in love with him. Pretty much anything he does sets off butterflies in your stomach and makes your heart glow.

"So, what do you want to hunt?" you ask Arthur.

"I ain't sure. I just wanted to get out for a bit," he confesses.

You nod. "You just want to ride around for a bit, then? Hunt whatever we come across?"


You ride in silence. There aren't a lot of animals around, but you get the feeling Arthur doesn't mind.

And you? You're content in the fact that you're with Arthur.


Somehow you end up sat by the water with Arthur. It's sunset and the reds and pinks and golds make Arthur's eyes glow.

"You have really nice eyes," you blurt out, then blush.

"Uh... thank you," Arthur rubs the back of his neck again. It always happens when you compliment him.

"I didn't mean that in a weird way. I just..." you hurry to fix things. You're convinced you scared him away.

He looks directly into your eyes with a faint smile, and you stop talking entirely.

"There's something about you, Y/N," Arthur says, cheeks flushing.

You look into his eyes and wait for him to continue.

"I don't know. You're handsome and I love the way you smile and laugh and you're just..."

"You're the smartest man I know, Arthur," you say. "And definitely the most handsome and I..."

Neither of you know what to say.

So you take a chance and kiss him.

He returns the kiss.

"I love you," you say.

Arthur smiles. "I love you too. I just didn't know how to tell you."

"Well, you don't have to now," you smile, holding his hand.

"I guess not," Arthur grins.

You watch the sun set together.


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