She Started It (Javier X Reader)

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"Hola, Y/N," a voice says from behind you.

"Hello, Javier," you say. You don't bother to turn around. You know that he wants you to turn around. He's done this before. The last time you turned around, he was mere centimetres away from you.

He's been in the gang for about a year now and has hardly been able to keep his eyes off you.

Or so Karen says, anyway.

"You need any help?" he walks to your right, brushing his hand against yours slightly.

"Nope. I appreciate the offer, though," you say, determinedly not looking up at him. You continue chopping vegetables.

"That's a shame," he whispers into your ear.

You totally ignore him and put the vegetables into the stew pot. You put the cutting board back and wipe your hands of vegetable juice. Javier has sauntered off somewhere. Your heart falls a little.

"Miss L/N! Come over here, I've got a job for you," Dutch says. You go over to see what it is. You're always happy to help... well, almost always. It depends on who you're going with.

"I need you to scope out somewhere. There might be a load of O'Driscolls in very close proximity to us. We'd need to clear them out," Dutch says. "Now, they're rumoured to have a lot of weapons. We'd like to steal said weapons, but it depends if they're actually there,"

You nod. "So, who am I going with? I presume you wouldn't send me in alone,"

Dutch chuckles. "You know me too well, Miss L/N. I'll send Javier with you,"

You show no emotion. You've gotten good at hiding feelings over the years.

"Sure," you say. "You want us to head out now?"

"Yeah, why not," Dutch says. You could swear there's a mischievous look in his eye.

"Mr Escuella! Get over here," Dutch calls. "You're going on a job with Miss L/N,"

Javier nods and walks over to Boaz. He pays you no attention.

Huh. That's odd. Usually he can't leave me alone.

You ride in silence. You keep sneaking glances at him, but he totally ignores you.

Then you see smoke. "I guess that's it," you say.

Javier nods. "You ready?" he asks.

"Yeah, sure," you say. You grab your guns, just in case.

"I thought Dutch just wanted us to check the place out?" he asks.

"He did. But just to be on the safe side..." you say.

"I'd protect you," Javier says.

"But you couldn't without guns. And there's no point in you dying for me," you say.

You walk together to some trees, each taking cover behind one.

"It's deserted," you whisper, looking at the camp.

"Yeah. That's strange," Javier replies, equally quietly.

"Do you think we should go check it out?" you ask.

"Of course. It's why we were sent," he murmurs.

You nod. "That's true,"

You both quickly and quietly take cover behind an outhouse.

"Still nothing," you mutter.

"Muy peculiar," Javier murmurs, poking his head around the outhouse, not hearing the hooves of the seven O'Driscoll riders that would see him.

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