One Big Family (Van der Linde Gang & Teenage Daughter)

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Requested by: Millzy04. This is a kind of long chapter and I hope you like it! It was really fun to write. 

If Thomas is called THOMAS at any time, that's because I used find and replace (I was gonna let the reader name him) and Word thinks it's smart, but it's not really.

H/C = Hair Colour BUT it's not yours!

E/C = Eye Colour BUT it's also not yours! 

"I'm going out, I'll be back by 5pm!" you say, mounting up.

"Okay, be safe, Y/N!" Hosea says.

"Of course," you reply, riding away.

After your ambush by the O'Driscolls a month ago, you've always been careful to set out a time. If you're not back ten minutes after that time, you're in trouble. It seems a little extreme, but you know what O'Driscolls do to women and you don't want to be caught again. You were lucky last time and you're infinitely grateful to everyone who came looking.

You ride north-west to Valentine.

Even if camp has moved, you don't go to Rhodes often. You really like Valentine, everyone did. But unlike several people in camp, you don't have people on the lookout for you. You end up gathering intelligence and having free time all in one.

You breathe in the cooler air as you approach Valentine. The air is thick and warm at Clemens Point, but the air in the Heartlands is crisp and cool. As far as you're concerned, it's heaven.


As you ride down the path to camp, you check the pocket watch that was given to you by Dutch.



You grin and put the pocket watch away.

"Who's there?" Javier calls.

"Y/N," you respond.

"Ah, Y/N, you're back! Dutch wanted to talk to you," Javier says with a smile.

"Alright, I'll go see him. Thanks for telling me, Javier," you return the smile and ride the rest of the way into camp. You dismount, pat your horse, and walk over to Dutch.

"Y/N, good to see you," Dutch says.

"Hey, Dutch. Javier said you wanted to talk to me," you reply.

"Oh, yes. Hosea wants to talk to you as well," Dutch says.

You narrow your eyes. Why does Hosea want to talk to me too?

"It's nothing bad, Y/N. Don't worry," Dutch says, motioning for Hosea to come over. "Hosea, could you tell Y/N the news?"

"Well it's not exactly news," Hosea says. "And not exactly good, either."

Hosea pauses.

"I'm afraid..." he takes a deep breath with a sombre expression "you've got to go into Rhodes tomorrow."

Your face breaks out into a grin. "Is that all?"

"Yep," Hosea returns the smile, breaking the façade.

"In all seriousness, Y/N, we're playing this from all sides, and we need to see what people think of us," Dutch says.

"Sure," you say. "I'd be happy to."

"Good," Dutch replies.


The next day, you ride into Rhodes. It's a pretty town, you have to admit. It seems more 'proper' than Valentine. As you ride through the town, your horse loosens the red dirt and it flies up as dust.

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