A Good Heart (Eagle Flies X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995. I hope you enjoy it! I also feel like there's scope for another part..?

F/N = Friend's name

"Stay safe, my dear," your father calls.

"I will, father," you reply as you walk out of the door.

You pick up your skirt slightly – careful not to lift it too high; you're actually wearing trousers underneath.

As far as your parents are aware, you're going to see your best friend, F/N, for a walk around Saint Denis and a very respectable lunch, followed by afternoon tea.

But what they don't know is that F/N is in on this and you're going exploring together.

At first, you weren't so sure of the idea, but F/N eventually brought you around to the idea.

So now you're going to explore a place called the Heartlands.

You as soon as you're out of sight of the house, you walk faster, to F/N's house and rap on the door three times.

F/N opens the door. "I thought you weren't coming!" then she casts an eye to your dress. "What're you wearing? That's not the appropriate attire!"

"I know, I know," you step in the house. "I need to get rid of the dress. How long are your parents gone for?"

"Two days. I'm hoping that gives you the opportunity to 'come over' more," she grins.

A smile breaks out on your face. "I'm excited for this exploring,"


You both walk out of her back door and mount your horses.

You ride slowly out of Saint Denis, but as soon as you're across the bridge, you're off like a shot.

"This is awesome!" you yell happily.

"Yeah!" F/N replies.

The wind whips through your hair – now loose – and makes your face numb.

And you love it.


You arrive in the flat, green Heartlands.

It smells fresher here, and the land stretches as far as the eye can see.

"It's wonderful here," you say.

There's no response.

"F/N?" you call.

She's gone.

Oh no... no no no.

Your head whips around and you see someone on a horse.

It's not her, but maybe you could ask him.

She's quite distinctive, with her long blonde hair and white Arabian horse.

Maybe he's seen her.

"Excuse me, sir," you ride up to him. "Have you seen my friend?"

You look up at him.

He says nothing, but his dark eyes pierce your soul.

"She's got blonde hair and a white horse," you say.

He tilts his head.

"Do you mean her, over there?" he points over your shoulder.

You turn around to find that he's right. F/N is there. And laughing.

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