Away From The Party (Charles X Reader)

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Requested by: jackmasrton. I'm hope this is okay :D

"What'd you do to your hand?" you ask Charles.

"Burned it. Stupid mistake," he mutters.

"Let me see," you say.

He begrudgingly gives you his hand. You peer at the burn; it doesn't seem too bad. It'll be alright in a week or so.

"Let me bandage this up," you say, already reaching for the bandages.

"I can do it," he says.

"And? I'm doing it for you," a small smile crosses your lips as you look at him.

He meets your eyes and smiles slightly. "Okay,"

It takes all of your self-control not to kiss him.

Even as the cold wind bites at your face, there's a heat in your chest whenever you look at him.

You take a breath and focus on bandaging his hand, though you can feel his eyes on you.

Your heart is beating fast and you know why.

As soon as you saw him your heart skipped a beat, and as you've gotten to know him better you've fallen for him more.

It's something about the way he doesn't need to say anything.

The way he looks at you sometimes, you could swear there was something more.

For you, it's his demeanour. Just him. Smart, strong, kind and damn, he's handsome.

"All finished," you murmur.

"Thank you, Y/N," he says.

"You're welcome," you say, ignoring the thumping of your heart.


You ride into Valentine with Arthur. He's here to meet with Javier, Charles and Bill. You've got some errands to run, and of course you weren't going to pass up on the opportunity to be around Charles.

You walk into the saloon with Arthur close behind and see Javier and Charles at the bar with two women, one with red hair and one with dark hair.

Jealousy twists like a knife in your chest.

"Arthur! Hey, Arthur," Javier calls. "Arthur, come here, come over here, I want you to meet our friends,"

The rage from the jealousy has deadened to acceptance. You're still mad but it's a dead weight as opposed to a fire.

You follow Arthur over either way. It's not over for you.

"Pleased to meet you," Arthur murmurs.

"Well, ain't you just a tough as teak mountain man?" the redhead says.

"Oh, you be quiet, Anastasia! Anybody can tell this one is a pussy cat," the dark-haired woman says.

You feel the anger lift slightly. After all, surely they can't be too much competition.

"Yes. He's a pussy... cat," Javier says. "Ain't that so, Arthur,"

You're not sure if he has any idea of what's going on.

"Whatever you say," Arthur says. "How much you cost, anyway?"

You try to hide the smile but fail miserably so you just look away instead.

"Well, ain't that a nice way to talk to a lady?" Anastasia says.

"Oh, I didn't know I was talking to a lady," Arthur says.

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