It Was Always You (Javier + Sean X Reader)

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Requested by: HeatherB1995. Thank you for requesting multiple times (well, twice, but I still appreciate it!) and for not minding about me not being able to write. Luckily, I woke up without a headache today and wrote this! I hope it's alright, I've never written a two-character oneshot before. Also it's??? Twice the length??? Of some of the others??? 

Still. I hope you enjoy it!

"Get your hands off me," you hiss to the bounty hunters. "I can walk,"

The bounty hunter lets go of you but hovers behind.

Sean, the Irishman, is putting up a fight. He's been tortured because he's in a gang – the notorious Van der Linde gang.

You're just wanted because of a home robbery so the bounty hunters didn't need to interrogate you.

The bounty hunter jabs you in the back. "You wanted to walk. Walk," he growls.

You start walking.


Gunshots ring out and someone throws you to the ground and ties up your feet.

'What the hell?' you think. Then you're hanging upside down and you don't even know how, it happens so fast.

"This is fun," you murmur to nobody in particular as you sway gently in the breeze. It sounds serene when you think of it like that, but in reality it's a gunfight around you. Three men are fighting for Sean, presumably.

"I'm having the time of my life, Y/N!" Sean says from beside you.

You snort. "Yeah, me too,"

You pause for a moment. "Does that mean these guys are rescuing you?"

"Course it does, Y/N. I knew they'd come," Sean says. You can hear the grin in his voice. "I reckon you'd like 'em. Maybe you can join us, if Dutch allows it, of course,"

"I doubt he'd want someone like me in the gang," you say, a slight frown shadowing your face as you turn away. All your life, nobody's wanted you. All your life you've been pushed away in favour for someone or something else. It's hard to get close to people because you don't want to get hurt.

"Ah, I know he would!" Sean says. The lightness in his voice makes you turn back towards him. "You're a nice girl. Smart, kind... good at robbing people, pretty..." he raises an eyebrow at the last statement, and you laugh slightly.

"I don't know where you got this idea of me from, Sean," you shake your head and smile, turning away.

"Oh, it's not just an idea, Y/N," Sean says.

You're not sure if you blush or if it's just the blood going to your head from being upside down.

You turn your attention to the three men fighting.

Well, actually, you try to give them all equal attention, but one piques your interest far more than the others.

He's got dark hair and fights with a revolver. He's got good taste in clothes. The other two dress plainly, contrasting with his blue jacket and red necktie. You'd judge that he's Mexican from him shouting insults in Spanish.

You'd like to keep watching the fight, but Sean interrupts your thoughts.

"If we gave you the chance, Y/N... Would you join us?" Sean asks.

"Hm?" you turn towards him. "Oh, maybe. I don't know. It's not like I got anywhere else to go,"

"Well I think you owe it to me. We've been having a conversation while hanging upside down in the middle of a gunfight!" he grins.

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